DustBox - dust mitigation device - positive pressure system


Well-known member
Thanks Nik! Full disclosure I was nervous at first cutting a hole in my trailer but folks should know that when done properly it's not a big deal and the hole is small.

Next trip I will get significant miles on some fine ID dust.

Just realized something. Maybe my wife will let me go to Burning Man this year. That would be the real testing!


Well-known member
Out on another trip. Mostly at 10,000 feet and fine dust. No sign of any dust. Very cool this morning 42 degrees. My percolator usually creates a good amount of condensation but not with the window cracked and DustBox fan blowing at 70%. Not one drop. So add a third use for this unit.

I know the new Xplores x145 and x195 have add some condensation issues. The DustBox would be a great mod for those trailers.


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Well-known member
Suggestion: Saying professional installation puts the brakes on for some buyers I'm sure, I can see some ripoff RV dealer charging $300.00+ to put it on.

Devise a cover that fits over an existing RV window to provide the inlet for your box. Also, fabricate an adapter so you can mount the box inside the RV filtering outside air through a window. I doubt this would seal as well as what you plan on now, but no holes would need to be cut in walls or roof, big+!

Ozark any guess on how long it would take you with all your wisdom and skills to install this unit?

I think cutting a hole 5" by 5" is a much more secure and sensible mounting option then a side window. Placement on front high and center is best.

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