Northern Explorer
Could someone dispel the gnawing doubt for me:
Dry weight: 4000kg
GVM: 4500kg
125 litres diesel = about 110kg
125 litres water = 125kg
This means kerb weight, ie. dry weight + fuel + water, but without driver and passenger = 4235kg
Which leaves the vehicle with the payload of just 265 kg before the GVM is reached.
Fitting the vehicle with an extra wheel carrier, wheel and tyre (~80kg ), bullbar (~100kg) and extra fuel tank (90 litres of fuel ~80kg, plus the weight of the tank) would take the vehicle over the GVM of 4500kg, making it illegal to drive on a car licence, and mandating the light rigid truck licence (LR) with all its added cost and embuggerance.
If I fitted just the extra fuel and water tanks of 90 litres each, that would take 180-190kg of the 265kg payload, and leave me with the vehicle payload of 75kg. The bad news is that I would then have to go on diet, and dramatically lose weight (about 40kg of it to be exact) in order to stay legal driving an Earth Cruiser on a car licence. The good news, I suppose, is that after losing 40kg body weight, I would still have to leave my dearly beloved wife at home, for impeccable legal reasons.
So, unfortunately, there goes my incentive to get an Earth Cruiser
In the interest of fairness, the specs really should mention that only the base version without accessories or extra fuel/water on board can be legally driven on a car licence, and then preferably by slim people![]()
I would be ****** off something rotten if I were to discover this aspect after outlaying $170k+ rather than before...
Vehicle Specifications
EarthCruiser is built on a FG84DC Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 4x4 cab light truck chassis. This platform is a commercially proven 4x4 truck capable of loads up to 6000Kg GVM, yet transformed into an EarthCruiser, the all up weight is under 4500kg allowing superb power to weight ratio and economical fuel consumption.
Looks like the GVM is 6000Kg not 4500Kg