EarthRoamer XV-JP "Northwest Edition"


Expedition Leader
Mike, I do not have a dog in this fight, and root for all parties to succeed! I agree with you that when I read Paul's post, I wondered why he didn't just call you (since y'all are friends) But I did read it as more a caution than an attack. Your response leads me to believe you and Paul had a falling out, but still answered his concerns.... all that said, I am very happy to hear Dion and ER are together on the idea and hope that Dion makes a successful product! I have always appreciated your willingness to share your projects, including things that didn't work for you and why you didn't think so.... I always check your posts because I have learned a lot from you. Just my 2 cents!


Custom Builder
There was no falling out between Mike and myself...

I was surprised when I saw the demo work done six months ago, and felt if I was in Mike's shoes, I would have made a call to say "Changes are coming, don't freak out"...


Custom Builder
My questions were based upon Mike's Post #827 ... "As you might guess, EarthRoamer (or their manufacturer) currently has the molds, and they are not interested in allowing their use by others, even with a substantial payment."

My questions: "...who owns the rights to the original camper shell molds...???... And ... Why not be original, and create a new camper shell and not steal someone elses work...???..." are pertinent to the topic...

Thanks for the detailed reply explaining that the owner of the original molds is simply not adversely concerned in what Dion is doing...

My intent was not to question the ethics of a startup company run by an outstanding and well-loved young entrepreneur... It was a straight forward question about intellectual property rights... Reading more into it than that, then going on to make the statement: "Everyone following this thread knows you're indignant that I decided to take out your zebrawood cabinetry and inlaid ceiling, but that was my personal decision. " is turning an honest question into a personal retaliation...

In the past six months since the restart of this project, I have made four posts...
Post #820: Tears in my eyes...
Post #822: It would also be easier to paint over Van Gough ...
Post #926: seems that having Dion just fabricate a new rear cabin would have been easier and more cost effective...
Post #947: like watching a wheelchair tennis match...

Indignant is defined as: "feeling or showing anger because of something that is unfair or wrong : very angry." I do not for a second believe that "everyone following this thread knows you're indignant"... Four restrained posts in six months, about a vehicle I have an emotional investment with, is hardly over the top...If you feel that those four posts were indignant towards you or a rip on Dion's new business, my appologies...

You ask how I would go about creating an "original" shell design... My first concern would be to have it look original... Look at it and there is no wondering if you've seen it before... The Australians do it all the time... Sure there are flat planes that define the cabin, but the way they intersect with curves or smaller angles define originality... It's not that hard... The plywood cabin on Post 963 is a recent example...

On your specific Jeep, attention to exterior storage of retrieval items and things like the generator would be well served if they were given consideration in the new exterior layout instead of just hanging on where there is space to bolt something on... I believe that the excess weight bolted on the rear door had some affect on that door to sag...

I would probably design a rear cabin with a modified "service body" configuration, but out of foam and fiberglass...That would be one starting point towards an original, functional and utilitarian design... I could go on, but you get the idea...


Expedition Leader
There was no falling out between Mike and myself...
That is true. Paul is as creative and talented as they come, and I'll submit a photo of the toilet room he built in Ken Howe's Fuso as an example:


I, on the other hand, have none of the vision and creativity to do, and perhaps even to appreciate something like this. This difference sometimes causes conflicts, but I'm certain we both respect each other for our talents.

I was surprised when I saw the demo work done six months ago, and felt if I was in Mike's shoes, I would have made a call to say "Changes are coming, don't freak out"...
That, Sir, would have been an excellent idea, and I should have done that, for certain.


Expedition Leader
I am very happy to hear Dion and ER are together on the idea and hope that Dion makes a successful product! I have always appreciated your willingness to share your projects, including things that didn't work for you and why you didn't think so.... I always check your posts because I have learned a lot from you. Just my 2 cents!
Thank you for your kind words They are appreciated.

HOWEVER, with you writing "... I am very happy to hear Dion and ER are together on the idea..." , an admittedly reasonable assumption, I realize that I need to vigorously clarify something that all my talk of EarthRoamer's involvement has brought up.

EarthRoamer is absolutely not, now or ever, associated in any way with the current Red Cannon project. Bill and I go back a ways, as do Dion and Bill, but these modest personal relationships shouldn't suggest that there's any connection between EarthRoamer and what goes on at Red Cannon. There isn't, and won't be.

Dion has, in fact, been working to make it clear that his camper is not at all based on the XV-JP design, and I worry that all my mentions of EarthRoamer when discussing the current situation might work to undo that. With the exception of duplicating the shell's rounded corners and wall and floor dimensions, the Red Cannon product has nothing substantial in common with the original XV-JP. Different top design, window placement, tent design, lifting mechanism, system components, interior layout, yada, yada--it's all different, more so even than our "Northwest Edition" differed from the ER original.

Anyway, it'd be a disservice to lead people to think of the Red Cannon camper as a remake of an XV-JP, and I apologize for perhaps getting people thinking that way. And it's just totally incorrect if I accidentally implied EarthRoamer had any involvement as a company.


Expedition Leader
Paul wrote a cogent response to my posting, and I'd like to address a few of his points, if for no other reason than to demonstrate it's valid to have different outlooks on things.

Paul: My questions were based upon Mike's Post #827 ... "As you might guess, EarthRoamer (or their manufacturer) currently has the molds, and they are not interested in allowing their use by others, even with a substantial payment."
Mike: Ummm . . . yep; I wrote that. It was based on then-current information and I'm not allowed (spooky stuff, huh) to talk about it. I should make it clear, though, that EarthRoamer has the sole right to the XV-JP design elements, and whether they will now sell the molds for a payment, substantial or otherwise, is fully their decision and has nothing to do with Dion's work.

Paul: Why not be original, and create a new camper shell and not steal someone elses work...???..."
Mike: Well, it pretty much comes down to not having a better idea except the cube with lifting roof, in large part because that's what the Wrangler Unlimited body allows you to do at a reasonable cost. The "cabover" parts can readily vary, and Red Cannon's is unique, but as far as the put-the-cabin-where-the hardtop-was approach, nothing else seems obvious.

Paul: Thanks for the detailed reply explaining that the owner of the original molds is simply not adversely concerned in what Dion is doing.
Mike: You're welcome, and as I just wrote above, I don't want to create the appearance of EarthRoamer having any connection whatsoever with this. They've moved on to bigger and better things and don't want to be perceived as having anything to do with Jeep campers.

Paul: My intent was not to question the ethics of a startup company run by an outstanding and well-loved young entrepreneur... It was a straight forward question about intellectual property rights... Reading more into it than that . . . is turning an honest question into a personal retaliation.
Mike: I believed, and I still believe, that a substantial portion of the readers would conclude you felt Red Cannon had "stolen" EarthRoamer's intellectual property and was "ethically-challenged" in doing so. Having such labels associated with Dion's work could potentially damage his company's not-yet-established reputation and unjustly hurt his chances of success. I apologize for doubting, and reacting incorrectly to, your intentions, but others may also make the same mistake.

Paul: You ask how I would go about creating an "original" shell design... My first concern would be to have it look original... Look at it and there is no wondering if you've seen it before... The Australians do it all the time... Sure there are flat planes that define the cabin, but the way they intersect with curves or smaller angles define originality... It's not that hard... The plywood cabin on Post 963 is a recent example...
Mike: Many of us admire the work done on that camper, and thus it is no criticism to point out that it's a bit like the Thaler/Action Camper. It's also not a criticism to say that there are justifiable concerns about hanging substantially more weight behind the rear axle of the fairly-short-wheelbase Wrangler Unlimited, and also that widening the cabin width that much affects the trail nimbleness which is one of the great assets of the Jeep. Lots of us eagerly await the "road test."

Paul: On your specific Jeep, attention to exterior storage of retrieval items and things like the generator would be well served if they were given consideration in the new exterior layout instead of just hanging on where there is space to bolt something on... I believe that the excess weight bolted on the rear door had some affect on that door to sag...
Mike: Always a good idea to improve storage, for sure, but as you know as well as anyone, the wheel wells on the Wrangler are extremely intrusive, nearly half of the available length and putting severe limitations on how much can be squeezed in. And re: the door sag, the NW Edition exterior case was mounted in lieu of a spare tire that would have weighed more. The door sag doesn't come from the metal Wrangler part of the door to which the case/tire is attached; it's the upper, unsupported fiberglass window frame part of the door that's falling backwards.

Paul: I would probably design a rear cabin with a modified "service body" configuration, but out of foam and fiberglass...That would be one starting point towards an original, functional and utilitarian design... I could go on, but you get the idea...
Mike: If you think it's buildable, you should draw it up and post it for us to see. With all the Wrangler owners here, I'm sure there are some, including me, who would consider sponsoring the prototype of an innovative new design.

And now, we resume normal programming.


I like the idea of Paul coming up with a camper for the JK for several reasons....his builds are very nice and detailed, I ordered and went to pick up a J30 camper from UMV and got screwed (more info in my build thread), Paul has done a little work for me on a previous Jeep, and I live about two miles from his house. On a side note, I did chat with Dion a few weeks ago about this camper he's building and I'm anxiously awaiting more photos and information.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Expedition Leader
This thread used to be interesting
Yeah, I agree. And I own the truck. ;-(

It's unfortunate, but mostly what's been happening has been sanding and filling and sanding and, oh, did I mention sanding? So it's been no more interesting than watching the body shop prep your car for a paint job.

A representative photo:

red cannon 1.jpg

To be honest, though, this thread also has a problem in that Red Cannon will understandably want to make a big splash--an "unveiling" as it were--of this vehicle when it's done, with press releases, demo rides and so on. And because of this, I suspect that they'll try to create some excitement and anticipation and thus won't want to leak all of the special features and final designs to this thread, since that would lessen the appeal to different writers and media types when it is a completed product.

Anyway, the combination of not much exciting happening and only a limited amount ready to show . . . you're 100% right, not too interesting these past few months.

Mud Dawg

I hope some "in-process" pics are being taken that can someday be worked into the thread. Watching the "steps" of the process is more than half the fun for me...:)


Back from Germany but fly to Asia Saturday... Crazy travel season again.

The most interesting thing is the 2nd leg of this Asia trip is 4 days in Jakarta. Not sure I want to head to Jakarta right now!

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