EarthRoamer XV-JP "Northwest Edition"


Regardless of whether or not this thread is closed, I do think it should be moved to another forum. This camper no longer has anything to do with earthroamer. The last remnants of the earthroamer are gone now. This forum doesn't get much exposure. It would be much better off in the "Pop-Up" forum or Other Custom forum.

Mud Dawg

Regardless of whether or not this thread is closed, I do think it should be moved to another forum. This camper no longer has anything to do with earthroamer. The last remnants of the earthroamer are gone now. This forum doesn't get much exposure. It would be much better off in the "Pop-Up" forum or Other Custom forum.

Yes, but it will still be a "Small volume bespoke expedition camper," will it not?


Expedition Leader
I just skimmed this thread what a sad deal. I really liked that tiger pattern wood and build. I sort of recal maybe reading about how a mold could be taken. I recal posting that Earth Roamer probably held design royalties on the shell. Given we called that design theft in the sailing world "splashing a hull" chinese were great at it for many yrs but the sailing community knew the splashed hulls and they never were able to sell them easily.

Man so bummed that interior is gone. Sad story.


Expedition Leader
. . . This camper no longer has anything to do with earthroamer. The last remnants of the earthroamer are gone now.
Without venturing an opinion on the thread location, my feeling is that the truck is still an EarthRoamer simply because the most distinguishing feature of the truck is and always has been the size and shape of the ER cabin and the way the cabin integrates with the Jeep. That characteristic piece will still remain. For all the multiple revisions we've done, and regardless of the interior, systems and add-ons, someone who's not an expert would look at an unmodded XV-JP and pronounce it as having the same manufacturer as our truck.

Now if Paul adds a second story, or a vertical stabilizer, or a picture window, or . . .

Mud Dawg

Small volume bespoke expedition camper manufacturers

Is Paul going to become a camper manufacturer and produce a small volume of these?

Yes. Is he not "manufacturing"? Is "one" not the smallest of volumes? :********:

But seriously, would you like to put money on whether the thread stays here or not?...
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Custom Builder
This makes me so happy to hear. Paul, Mike, I think this is the best outcome for this Jeep and I can't wait to see what happens next. Paul, when you do your road test this time, make sure you head up into Canada. I'll buy the beer.

The road to Tahsis would be perfect...


Kodiak Buckaroo
Now if Paul adds a second story, or a vertical stabilizer, or a picture window, or . . .
Just watch out, we have already had two builds on the Portal that they added a car or an airplane on top. Paul might just try and out do them:yikes:

Great reasoning for keeping the same thread going. I for one am excited to see another of Paul's builds. I am truly amazed at his workmanship and with him starting with a 'clean slate' (surly Red Cannon's 'work' was the same as 'scorched earth') and your support / insight, it will be one of the 7 wonders of the expo world.


How about the highest bidder gets naming rights to the new rig, with the procedes going to Mike.
I'll pop for $100 if we rename it Caitlyn. :Wow1:
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Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
Looking forward to the Phenix rising from Dion's apocalypse ashes.

I agree with Paul and others; keep the thread going here, for numerous reasons. Main one being it's like life; highs and lows, wins and tragedies(*cough cough* Red Cannon Expedition). It's going to be a special day when Paul unveils it. We can all throw rice and petals, smash plates, all the jazz. :smiley_drive:

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