ecological cheap compact washing machine

6 gal plastic dry dog feed bucket with threaded top sealed with O-ring
Put dirty clothes in, 1/2 cup laundry powder
Cover with warm water
attach to loops screwed into floor with ratchet strap
drive half the day.
cover with fresh water
rinse again 2nd half of day, driving
put on solar powered dryer (clothes line)

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I read a little blip in Backpacker Mag tonight where someone suggested using a zip-lock with two quarts of water, drop in the clothes with some biodegradable soap, squish around a bit, remove and rinse. I thought it was a pretty good idea. Won't wash nearly the load size as your idea though. More of an emergency underwear cleaner I guess.
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Expedition Leader
ive also seen igloo water jugs used,,,,, i myself have used a plastic concrete mixer meant to be rolled on the ground to mix concrete,,, worked great, but i still just wash in a creek by hand.

Scenic WonderRunner

New Twist!


Could you make homemade Ice Cream for the trail if you filled the container with Ice/and dry ice?

No hand cranking required!......:sombrero::victory::ylsmoke:

The only downside might need a fridge/freeze for the end of the trail at camp. Or eat it very quickly!

But that would be a blast with your earthen cooked, Dutch Oven apple cobbler!....:chef:

So many bouncy trails.......So....many possibilities!!!

Just a fun thought.



Expedition Leader
My Grandfather would be a hundred if alive but would take gold coins and put them in a small leather pouch along with few small stones. He would tie it to his horse and ride. After weeks the coins would be worn and he would replace them with fresh coins. In time he had a sack of gold dust and coins worth face value. He called it intrest.


I like this idea, nothing worse than hanging out at a laundromat on your vacation.

Those who go on oceanic-type expeditions will put dirty clothes in a mesh bag and drag it behind the boat all day. Then rinse off the salt water and sun dry! I'm told it works very well.


Expedition Leader
Somewhere (I think on this site) someone mentioned using a dry bag.

Same idea, but collapsible for storage.

With my wife and I doing water aerobics 3-4 times a week, and two daughters in swim lessons, I’ve been using a Fresh Step kitty litter bucket to ‘de-chlorinate’ our swim suits and water shoes on the way home from the gym.

It doesn’t have an o-ring, but seals well.

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