Look no further than my junk pile and spare parts bins for similar setbacks of brilliant ideas. Just don't ask why I cut that knobby tire up. Lol
I started my fridge project by maxing out the original intent of the manufacturer. You may find an idea in here you can use.
Note the temps of the compressor long after it cycled off. Didn't you say your fan kicks on only when the fridge runs?
That may be your only problem.
Airflow and cooling is a separate engineering team on everthing because what seems as simple air is not. These fridges are designed to be energy effecient and you can bet the cooling is no bigger than it has to be. Throw in a wall and extra air pressure from a weird angle (your auxillery fan) and all bets are off.
With out seeing more pics of your fan and how the fridge sits in the cabinet we know it's not perfect (yet) by the smell. Guessing, I'd max out your fridge like I did and have that fan pulling right against the outlet of fridge coils and not just the surrounding air. Airflow does odd things and more in the wrong place is not a fix. Can you duct it or move the aux fan? I run mine cold at night and warmer in the day so it does not run so hard in the heat. AZ is brutal. If your convinced that you have enough flow then pull the fridge out and let it run in the open to see if it still smells like its cooking. Either way mod that fridge and mod the aux airflow until it's not.