Expedition Overland - 2015 Season


Active member
I've been watching the last season again while bored waiting for this seasons episodes, this season is missing the humor and quirkiness of last season.

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I've been watching the last season again while bored waiting for this seasons episodes, this season is missing the humor and quirkiness of last season.

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Likely due to the increased level of risk in this season. I would imagine the team was a little more laid back last season knowing they are on their home turf. Kind of hard to be as "care free" in some of the areas/countries they've been in this season. I like this season just as much but in a different way.


Likely due to the increased level of risk in this season. I would imagine the team was a little more laid back last season knowing they are on their home turf. Kind of hard to be as "care free" in some of the areas/countries they've been in this season. I like this season just as much but in a different way.

X2. This season is completely different, but that (to me) is certainly NOT a bad thing.... Just like any adventure I choose to go on would get pretty boring if it were the same each time.

There were certainly some interesting locals last season, but NO BODY who came close to the creep on the beach basically selling young girls! Made my skin crawl & I wasn't anywhere near there!

Chris Boyd

I've been watching the last season again while bored waiting for this seasons episodes, this season is missing the humor and quirkiness of last season.

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Well the ladies not being present certainly change the dynamics and charm! I do like they're off doing the Rallye though!


Things like this episode and pretty much all of their border shenanigans are exactly why I have zero desire to leave US sovereign dirt

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Well-known member
Why fumigation what are they trying to stop the spread of?

Bugs, livestock disease, tuberculosis, etc. Each country has a different process. Some spray the bottom of the car, some spray the tires, some spray the entire car and some as you can see fog the interior of the vehicle. The crazy thing about Central America border crossings in particular, is how much it can change from day to day. I've been through some of these borders multiple times, as recent as 6 months before the XO trip. Even in that time places and procedures were different. Places where their "insurance" was mandatory no longer required and some let us skip right past fumigation that took an hour of waiting in line on previous trips.

If you recall from the episode Clay was quite worried about the caustic "fog" they flood the vehicles with as it is quite nasty and can leave a residue everywhere it settles. That worry came from my previous trip where they flooded the rigs with fog, closed the doors and when the doors were opened some minutes later, the fog rolled out the bottom of the door openings and left a moisture in it's path. Who knows what it is that stuff but if smells funky and I wouldn't want it in my new rig :D


From a previous trip, the dude just sat there blasting it for what seemed like a minute. He then shut the doors and made as stand there and watch it settle :eek:

Things like this episode and pretty much all of their border shenanigans are exactly why I have zero desire to leave US sovereign dirt...

While the borders are chaotic and some CenAm locals are pretty rough, that is all part of the adventure and to me that is exactly why we are out traveling. If the borders were smooth (think US to Canada), everyone would be doing it and thus it wouldn't be much of an adventure?
Good point but ill stay north of Mexico too. I spent plenty of time in the middle east. I've had enough of type of adventure to last 4 lifetimes


I found this season interesting and entertaining; that being said, part of me would like more about the drive, the travel etc. There are numerous travel shows out there that show the same type of view and documentary with boarder BS, locals etc., but there are very few that are focused on self supported overland adventure with the off road flare.

Like I said, I enjoyed it, but it was more a road trip documentary than last season which was more hard core overlanding; heck I can't remember a scene where the maxtraxx even came out....except to level the rig.....but maybe I have forgotten.....you get my point.


Expedition Leader
Out of curiosity I've been trying to sort out what they are fogging with. So they appear to be using whats called a pulse-jet fogging machine. Now to sort out what chemical they are using. Apparently the US did this way back in the day and used no joke DDT. Are the Latin America countries using DDT? If so everyone getting doused or vehicles getting gassed then being sat in for hours and hours could pose a pretty serious health risk. Clay seems to be a pretty curious guy. I wonder if he tried to sort out what chemical was being used?


Expedition Leader
Check this out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fumigation
I would guess that what is being used along the Latin America Boarder is probably one of the top two listed
Methyl bromide or phosphine
Sounds like phosphine might be typically used on shipping containers


Phosphine gas is more dense than air and hence may collect in low-lying areas. It can form explosive mixtures with air and also self-ignite.

Phosphine can be absorbed into the body by inhalation. Direct contact with phosphine liquid – although unlikely to occur – may cause frostbite, like other cryogenic liquids. The main target organ of phosphine gas is the respiratory tract.[18] According to the 2009 U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) pocket guide, and U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation, the 8 hour average respiratory exposure should not exceed 0.3 ppm. NIOSH recommends that the short term respiratory exposure to phosphine gas should not exceed 1 ppm. The Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health level is 50 ppm. Overexposure to phosphine gas causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea; thirst; chest tightness, dyspnea (breathing difficulty); muscle pain, chills; stupor or syncope; pulmonary edema.[19][20] Phosphine has been reported to have the odor of decaying fish or garlic at concentrations below 0.3 ppm. The smell is normally restricted to laboratory areas or phosphine processing since the smell comes from the way the phosphine is extracted from the environment. However, it may occur elsewhere, such as in industrial waste landfills. Exposure to higher concentrations may cause olfactory fatigue.[21]

Deaths have resulted from accidental exposure to fumigation materials containing aluminum phosphide or phosphine.[22][23][24][25]


I have to say, I'm really liking this season. I like a lot of other have gone back to watching some of the older episodes and I'm amazed how everyone has grown. Sure the equipment has gotten better, but I like the changes to camera work, production and the over all feel of the show.

Alaska had a very "friends doing a crazy road trip" feel, where as this season feels more produced and "professional expedition" (if that's a thing, I think that's a thing). It's crazy to think how far this has gone from season 1, to season 3. Meeting up with former special forces and helping a surgery in the middle of nowhere just 2 years after taking an old truck through some trails. Great job to everyone and a huge thanks for sharing everything. It's been fun to watch and very inspiring.


I have to say, I'm really liking this season. I like a lot of other have gone back to watching some of the older episodes and I'm amazed how everyone has grown. Sure the equipment has gotten better, but I like the changes to camera work, production and the over all feel of the show.

Alaska had a very "friends doing a crazy road trip" feel, where as this season feels more produced and "professional expedition" (if that's a thing, I think that's a thing). It's crazy to think how far this has gone from season 1, to season 3. Meeting up with former special forces and helping a surgery in the middle of nowhere just 2 years after taking an old truck through some trails. Great job to everyone and a huge thanks for sharing everything. It's been fun to watch and very inspiring.

I agree that the latest series is far more produced and professional, but in some ways I liked the early stuff better as it had more of an approachable feel as you said 'friends doing a crazy road trip'. That less professional vibe gave more of a sense that these were normal guys doing something you and I could do if we just took the time. This, while far better from a production stand point, does loose some of that 'we're just regular Joe's' feeling. It's good, but if taken too far could start to feel like any other made-for-TV show

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