Expeditions West: (JK) XV-JP Announcement Thread


I take it that you don't have the XV-JP any more. Can you provide some overall comments on it? I'm gathering that there were some design deficiencies that just couldn't be overcome.

This project seems like it faded away from the Portal, which is unusual for your vehicles.

Marcie's Disco

I take it that you don't have the XV-JP any more. Can you provide some overall comments on it? I'm gathering that there were some design deficiencies that just couldn't be overcome.

This project seems like it faded away from the Portal, which is unusual for your vehicles.

Bump for curiosity's sake, I'd love to hear the responses to the above questions.

Scott Brady

Hey all.

I do not have the XV-JP any longer (EarthRoamer purchased it back from me), though it was a fun and visually stunning machine. We do have it on our editorial schedule for a comprehensive review. Look for that in the next 30-45 days.




Hey all.

I do not have the XV-JP any longer (EarthRoamer purchased it back from me), though it was a fun and visually stunning machine. We do have it on our editorial schedule for a comprehensive review. Look for that in the next 30-45 days.
Don't worry, the review will have all the details. . . Good and bad.

There's a 364 day layer of dust on this thread. Scott, you've had a full year to craft your "comprehensive review". I think we'd all love to hear all the details...Good and bad from your period using the XV-JP. In addition to the final summary of your impressions of XV-JPs, we're all a little curious why the Expeditions West XV-JP so quickly faded from the limelight without the usual fanfare. Please let us in on that too?



Expedition Leader

There's no one looking forward to this review more than me. When I had the ex-Expeditions West Tacoma, I felt like it came with this gigantic million-member support group to compare notes with. Not as good with the Sprinter, but still plenty of owners. With the XV-JP, it's been freakin' lonesome since Scott gave up his. I don't even know of another North American owner. I'll be delighted to see Scott's review, and I'd also be pleased to hear from anyone else with an XV-JP, or from anyone who knows of another owner or even how many ever got built.
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+1. From the distance, the XV-JP seems to be the most elegant solution by far when compared to all other few ones that have popped out through the years. I've been eagerly waiting for Scott's review since the day I learned about it.

Scott Brady

Sorry guys, no time. . . We are deep in the logistics of a new trip, so many other projects are on hold.

I will get it done eventually.


Expedition Leader
Sorry guys, no time. . . We are deep in the logistics of a new trip, so many other projects are on hold. I will get it done eventually.
Thanks for the consideration, Scott. We'll look forward to your review when as soon as it rises to the top of the pile. Good luck with everything else on your plate.

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