ExPo Garages: Lets see them!


The deal fell through on the house with the matching RV bay and garages in early 2008, but we closed on this place in May 2009 with a much larger house, another acre of land and much nicer views.

I installed a lift in the 10' ceilings garage that works great for the smaller cars...

And at least gets the sliders 4' off the ground on the Lexus:

I like living out here in the middle of nowhere - so many trails a block from my house.


and finally enough room to park all my cars...

talk about a Home on the Range! :Wow1:


Expedition Leader
I know some of you have dream garages. Lets have a little inspiration :jumping:

The Expeditions West garage at home:

I will start with mine, which is the standard two-car job, but happens to be attached to a lot with an amazing view, so I can take the compromise. Eventually, we will build a big shop on a commercial lot.

For those of you that know me well, my garage is always full of boxes and gear and roof tents and 5-6 fridges and assorted other junk and piles of equipment in various states of use. One of my big goals for the start of 2008 was to get my garage in order, I mean really in order, like a full-blown Kaizen organization blitz. It took me over a week of time (up till 1:00 in the morning, etc), and thanks to many of you for buying extra stuff and taking older gear away, I have less than 50% of the things in there as before.

Those that have seem my garage in the last year will be in shock... :eek:

Ok, here you go (I am like a proud papa)

Gee I hope you have those 440 Volt Railroad Power cabinets grounded well since you don't have rubber mats in front of them.....
So that garage looks really nice. Mine looked really nice when I had a big one at work to build in. Come on that isn't your only roll around tool cabinet.:coffeedrink:


Expedition Leader
Geez whiz Doc....sorry i didn't catch that this thread was so old....apologies for just catching the first post.....not even drinking....Al Whats his Names Disease maybe?:coffee:


We've been living in our home since August of 2006. My only criteria for a home other than washroom facitilies, eating facilities and sleeping quarters was a garage.
It's 14' wide by 24' long has a cracked foundation, suffers from water ingress on one side during real heavy rain storms as a result of the cracked foundation but it's insulated, wired with a 220V - 60A supply and closed in. It's a place where I enjoy spending time working on the truck or just tinkering away. It keeps me warm, out of the wind and mostly dry, what else can a person want!

I'll have to get pics tomorrow, it's dark right now. As for organization, it varies from project to project!

Sounds just like my garage, water ingress and all. Can't get too comfortable right?!



Kapitis Indagatoris
No interior shots yet, but starting the dirtwork for the ATC shop! This going to be a multi-year project.


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