Just sent off an updated set of drawings to the Styromax guys, after the spare wheel carrier changes, some things had to get rearranged to make everything work. They're converting them now into solidworks ready for me to ok and start the panel manufacture. There's going to be some cost overrun, but considering how it's evolved since initial quote 6 months ago, I was expecting that.
But something that's been on my mind a lot is water tanks. Most of the time, this will be used in temperate climates where we don't have to worry about the cold. But I fully expect to be in some freezing areas for a few weeks at various times. Figuring on 300l fresh and 100l of grey water. I don't want to plug in, will have a diesel water heater onboard, 400ah lithium battery pack and ~1kw solar. What's a good way to keep the tanks from freezing up?