FJ62 destruction


Expedition Leader
Yay!!!!! I'm soooooo excited to find another Hello Kitty fan on ExPo. I'm really sorry your car broke at the mall. But this stuff will help any true Hello Kitty fan get a big job done faster. Ask for it at the mall, they keep it in the back.


(It's cocaine)

PS. Sweet transplant!


New member
Its alive!

Well ken is falling behind here so I thought Id post an update for him. The 62 is running now though it hasnt been driven around yet. Items left are; mounting the turbo and air cleaner, fit an exhaust, and tie up the wiring.


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Expedition Leader
Well ken is falling behind here so I thought Id post an update for him. The 62 is running now though it hasnt been driven around yet. Items left are; mounting the turbo and air cleaner, fit an exhaust, and tie up the wiring.
Simply awesome man... Great first post, Welcome to Expo and glad to see another Oregonian (there are quite a few of us "wet ones" here these days).

I used to live in Selwood/N.Moreland, off 17th like directly across Knight st. from the Space-Age gas station. I hear tell you're in the area, and now I'm just up on 30th between Division and Clinton, I'd love to see some of these trucks and the things you guy's are building if you're ever around. I'm still trying to make myself accept the numbers to go through with swaping the 1KZ-Te into my 4Runner... I want Turbo Diesel power SO BADLY!!!!! Vut I have a newish 22RE iwth a little over 5K on it right now and I don't know about yanking a perfectly good motor. Maybe I need another truck... Oh crap here comes that feeling again...




New member
I'm still trying to make myself accept the numbers to go through with swaping the 1KZ-Te into my 4Runner... I want Turbo Diesel power SO BADLY!!!!! Vut I have a newish 22RE iwth a little over 5K on it right now and I don't know about yanking a perfectly good motor. Maybe I need another truck... Oh crap here comes that feeling again...



Hi Dave,
The shop is off Ochoco St right down the road from that classy "steakhouse" named acropolis. Im usually there on weekends and sometimes in the evening.

Regarding the KZ - here is a good deal. I dont know the guy but he has been around a while - maybe he is on here?

A popular option is to use the KZ-T (non-E) IP on the E version to simplify things a bit. There seems to be some info floating around regarding the early versions having issues with head cracking. I have read that the later E version may have had some fixes to make the head more reliable. I dont have any first hand experience with them myself.



I guess an update is due.

I took temporary possession last weekend so I could get some things done down at my shop. I have a list of about 30 things to get done before a trip mid-may.. so maybe 1 thing every day? Dang I did nothing today but buy some Mobil 1 15w-40 and take the old rear driveshaft in to get cut down for a front. Using a 60 series rear DS and it works but is 1/2" too long so I need to get that cut down before working it.

We have an issue in the engine. A clack/rattle that appears in a certain RPM range it seems like. There is some play in the gears that drive the injection pump so it might be we decide to replace them. Researching at the moment.

However! The combo is sweet. I don't have fuel turned up at all and it has plenty of power. Boost, pushed, gets to 9psi. Pyro never gets above 750F, usually it is 450-550F and 650F around 70mph on the freeway. I am in 5th gear at about 40-45mph, and that lasts easily up to 75 (as far as I've dared take it for now). 5th pulls all the normal hills around here but I haven't headed over the mountains. Have a bit to do before a test like that.

Economy-wise, it is starting to look pretty good. I am looking at hitting about 200+ miles where I would normally be at 110 or so, and at one point I was estimating 500-600 miles on the stock tank, where normally I could push it to 300 miles. That seems a little high to me.. about high 20s, so I'm going to see how it works out instead of theorycrafting a number. If I get near 24 (doing mixed driving) I will be ecstatic.

So now I have 2 mornings to get part of a floor covering in and the bench seat so we can go pickup trash in the woods this weekend, then I can plug away at more intricate things- fan shroud, more sound deadner, shifter cover leak, (that noise), maybe start getting work on the rear axle, designing and assembling the rear storage/platform, on and on.

Nothing exciting to see for pics, the only apparent difference is a much larger exhaust pipe and the HJ turbo badge.


Nothing like 2 weeks until a long trip to kick you in the butt. My list is much longer than time I've got to get things done, so low priorities like rear ARB install, rear discs, etc are falling off the list fast. :)

After getting the truck back and installing the front bar/winch with a host of other little things, I am getting onto new stuff.

Got some work done on the interior this weekend and started designing a new fan shroud. The truck is back in Portland to do more troubleshooting on an RPM based loud rattle, so I got the fan/radiator layout measured and hope to get that built before I have the truck back.

My gf was sweet and took part of a day to install RAAMmat on the floor while I measured and thunk through the fan shroud. I found a lettering kit in my toolbox so she stamped her name into the foil. I think that is called branding. She enjoyed the detail work, and I was very glad for her help!

Tuffy setup.. found a good place for the CB. I bought a 12V mixer and cables online to mix the CB/2m/Ipod together through the stereo. Hope I have time to install it and it works out. Console stereo slot will eventually get a mobile 2m radio.

other side, this is actually a benefit of doing a 6" wide stereo console over the 8".. more room for crap! I found a sweet dual USB/dual 12v socket charger on Amazon.. most of them only have 1 USB port

room under Tuffy with the OEM rear heater gone. Might be enough room to mount one of the amps.

middle fingers point to the two rear heater mount holes. I need to modify the Tuffy bracket and extend to the holes to get it solidly mounted

rough idea of the dash layout. I have the glow switch to install into the transfer/H4 plug(currently hanging red thing). Can never have enough 12V sockets. :(

swank and melted wooden Toyota shift knob

interior removal-

I am rich!!!


interior is gone, have to clean and fill that oval hole (heater hoses) between seat belt clips

patched up hole.. ugly but it just needs to be sealed and will live out it's life under RAAMmat. Floor cleans up nicely.

auto shifter hole and two other drilled holes need filling

the wonders of time lapse.. things get done so fast!

more slop! grinding revealed a missed a spot

laying down small sections of RAAMmat made it go easier than working with larger strips. Black duct tape was to just keep clean from butyl-like gunk from seams. Can see black paint from patched holes in the floor.

couple shots of the process. The black goop on the hands cleaned off easily.

utility knife's butt was nice to shape the RAAMmat around bumps and ridges in the floor

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