I always use old but good rubber seals from the scrap yard.
Easy to get it out, several different types available, not expensive. :wings:
And they do what I want! Great stuff remaining in old cars! Go for it! :smiley_drive:
Hmm, this will depend on a good chance. Good luck for this.
Better, because individual made for your service, will be a selfmade construction.
Don't know about what you'll use it for?
But hand crafted roof racks know what they are created for.
Make sense, doesn't it? :coffeedrink:
That is a sweet canoe setup! Build thread? I'm curious what the motor is for...
-Daniel Kent
Very cool but your really high jacking the thread. You might want to not post so many pictures in someone else's trailer build thread. =)
My fault really for asking questions... I'll send a PM next time. My apologies to the OP... Sry bro!
Back to the trailer... In regards to the new link you posted to the door seals, those look like the need a lip to hook on to vs just sticky backing. Are you going to put a lip for the seals, am I making sense or I'm I even seeing those seals right?
-Daniel Kent
First off....No worries about the hijacking. Just happy someone is actually reading the thread:sombrero: Plus, I've been out of town anyway.
Daniel, the link I posted is their entire catalog. The guy I spoke with is sending me several samples that he thinks will best fit my needs. All will be adhesive backed, but the profiles and density will be slightly different. The thicker walled seals will be more durable, buy won't compress as well. Since my lid is slightly warped, I will need to find the right compromise between durability, profile height and flexibility. I may be over thinking this, but I think it's important to have the weather stripping on hand prior to installing the hinges.
Cool.When you get the samples and your done with them maybe I can grab them from you to see whet could work for me. Or maybe I should just call for samples too...
-Daniel Kent