Flatbed and composite panel build on Dodge 2500


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Looks like he went Tommy Hilfiger instead...

********...that's funny

I was thinking the Tommy B was going to blend in too much, so I gave the color catalog to the girls who work for me, my wife, a couple esteemed colleagues, and almost everybody gravitated to the red, there were a few reds to choose from but this was the winner. Face it guys, as much as you know, or think you know, if you make the girl happy...well....life just gets easier!


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
I have no talent

One of the most ingenious designers and builders ever, Rick Dobbertin. I watched this thing develop in the magazines when I was a kid, I think it's what hooked me. Regardless of how well this thing worked or didn't work is almost irrellevent, it's an amazing creation and attention to detail is second to none, especially considering cnc wasn't even an acronym yet AND it started out as a 1959 milk truck tank. If you haven't seen it google "Dobbertin Surface Orbiter", Rick was a source of inspiration with some pretty intense off the wall over the top creations from cars to boats to milk trucks!




Thank Gentlemen.

Like Sammy Hagar said:

Red red paint it red,
There's no substitute for red,
Red red knock em dead
Green ain't me cuz I like red.

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I love it. Reminds me of a swanky modern euro style hotel I stayed at last year when I went to Amsterdam. Everything there is colourful... it makes our Canadian/American stuff look so bland. If you drove this thing in Europe no one would ever comment on the red :)

I also really like the L style dinette. How are you going to do the table (if you're going to do one?)


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Table goes in tonite. I'm up to 4 telescopic marine style bases and a Lagun mount. I think the Lagun wins...

Thanks for the comment Adam, we do get sucked into the browns pretty bad here.


I've been looking at them as well and had settled on the lagun without having real world tried it. Watched numerous videos and the ability to move the table out of the way so easily I think makes it a winner in a camper.

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Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
I expected magic, but still had to do a couple mods to get the Lagun to function the way I wanted too. 5 minutes on the mill and we found the solution.

Table 4.jpg

Now the leg swings far enough over to do this

Table 3.jpg

Table is a chunk of butcher block....keeping with the light weight theme here....not really but it's tough.

Table 2.jpg

This is a nice feature and pretty much effortless

Table 1.jpg

Some Line X on the rock guards, last cabinets didn't have any dents but the gravel had the faces stripped almost bare so a couple of bash plates which will also mount the rear mud flaps were made. Front were .125 and the rear were .188 5052.

Rock guard 2.jpg

Rock guard 1.jpg


One of the most ingenious designers and builders ever, Rick Dobbertin. I watched this thing develop in the magazines when I was a kid, I think it's what hooked me. Regardless of how well this thing worked or didn't work is almost irrellevent, it's an amazing creation and attention to detail is second to none, especially considering cnc wasn't even an acronym yet AND it started out as a 1959 milk truck tank. If you haven't seen it google "Dobbertin Surface Orbiter", Rick was a source of inspiration with some pretty intense off the wall over the top creations from cars to boats to milk trucks!

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View attachment 342073

The J2000 was amazing. Just getting it to run was a feat; turbocharged, supercharged, nitrous and a carb.



Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
See you at Expo

Graphics courtesy of my favourite Jeep that isn't my Jeep, thanks for having great taste Mike!


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