Flatbed and composite panel build on Dodge 2500


Expedition Poseur
Wow - that's a [physically] big stinkin' camper for only weighting 2600 pounds. Well done!

Did I read somewhere that you were bringing that down to Flagstaff in May? I'd love to take a peek at it!


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Looks good!

Though certainly pushing the limits of that 3/4 ton.

So the latch system looks to hold it down, is there anything that locates it to keep it from moving F-R or L-R ?

It's on rubber but I did make it move a little bit on some BIG railroad tracks and a rough road, the latches provide down force as well the limit side to side to .250", I am thinking about dropping another one on the front pulling forward, to keep the possibility of any rearward shift to a point of nonexistence. So far it is the one part that I had some doubts about but in the end they exceeded expectations.


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
hot damn. Looks great mark. Whats the overall height of the combo? How much space in the cabover?

Thanks again, overall it's 11'2" to the top of the roof rack, overhead had 41.5" of clearance, and the bottom of the door is 43" off the ground.


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Looks incredible. One of the best builds on here.

You should be on a TV show... like Pimp My RV or something.

Those latches are genius. How much time did it take to make that set of 4? Incredible fab work.

Thanks! The latches took about 4 months of thought, a few nights where you just wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep thinking about silly things like that, about 2 hours of CAD, 2 Hours of welding, 2 Hours of install time, all so you can take a camper off in 5 minutes without thinking too much!


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Wow - that's a [physically] big stinkin' camper for only weighting 2600 pounds. Well done!

Did I read somewhere that you were bringing that down to Flagstaff in May? I'd love to take a peek at it!

Absolutely, really looking forward to Expo, first time as an exhibitor. Come by, we will be easy to find!


Thanks! The latches took about 4 months of thought, a few nights where you just wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep thinking about silly things like that, about 2 hours of CAD, 2 Hours of welding, 2 Hours of install time, all so you can take a camper off in 5 minutes without thinking too much!

Impressive. And in your "spare time" no less. Canada represented!

Looks like you are really starting to pump these things out now, and getting very efficient at building them. Your building method seems pretty quick with the panels. I imagine each one you build is quicker than the next.

Will you have some kind of ability at Expo for people to order these? Or pricing of some kind?


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Thanks Adam88!

That's one blessing about winter....IT'S PROJECT TIME! And I'm pretty sure I have some form of ADD.

The cabins are generally the easy part of these kind of builds, once a system is developed, and you always find little things that save time.It's the details that consume time like crazy. Efficiency comes with building modular and building in multiples, a substantial CAD library is literally costs millions over the years to develop and done correctly is a real contributor to efficiency. You still have to wire, plumb, install components properly, etc. The difference between a typical camper wiring job and something at this level is probably a time multiple of 20x, and the little things can run the parts bill up pretty good. The difference is, this thing will take a beating and it's a lifetime unit. We have been building with composites for 4 years, (trucks for 22) with conventional angle caps and corners,and it worked, but there is no comparison to strength and versatility with the extrusions we developed, but the time saved with them has manifested in time spent in other areas affected, still a win though.

At Expo we will be unveiling Canada's first and only expedition and adventure vehicle manufacturer! And introducing our USA and international sales rep. We will have pricing, programs, and platforms available. We are building turn key production units which we will be stocking, custom units, and the first units in our rental fleet will be available by July 1 2016.

The comments and support from the forum members here has been a bit inspirational, and thanks everybody. For the people that have stepped up and trusted us to to proceed with their builds despite being relatively "new" and unknown, THANK YOU! This entity was going to happen one day, I was thinking in my retirement I'd keep 6-8 craftsmen and build 5 or 6 units a year, as I love building these things. The response to what we are doing, here, and the excitement from my highly regarded clientele exposed to our business accelerated this venture. The people are what it's all about, branching into this industry has brought us some very interesting, unusual, exciting, generous, and passionate people. We are grateful.

Thanks again,


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Coming soon!

This could be a new thread all by itself.......



Expedition Leader
At Expo we will be unveiling Canada's first and only expedition and adventure vehicle manufacturer! And introducing our USA and international sales rep. We will have pricing, programs, and platforms available. We are building turn key production units which we will be stocking, custom units, and the first units in our rental fleet will be available by July 1 2016.
That's good news for all of us. Congratulations on your well-deserved success to date, and best wishes for good progress with this expansion. You can count on us continuing to be extremely interested in your craftsmanship and ingenuity.



Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
That's good news for all of us. Congratulations on your well-deserved success to date, and best wishes for good progress with this expansion. You can count on us continuing to be extremely interested in your craftsmanship and ingenuity.


Thanks Mike, glad to share!


Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
That's good news for all of us. Congratulations on your well-deserved success to date, and best wishes for good progress with this expansion. You can count on us continuing to be extremely interested in your craftsmanship and ingenuity.


What that guy said. ;)


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Thank Gentlemen.

Like Sammy Hagar said:

Red red paint it red,
There's no substitute for red,
Red red knock em dead
Green ain't me cuz I like red.


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