Been a while, and I am starting the final phase of the exterior. I had some nice thick scrap aluminum angle iron (I am a bit of a scavenger/pack-rat and love to reuse everything possible) and I thought it would be perfect for my Jerry can holders and my Yeti cooler holder. So I started the prototype water holder and will match a second one on the opposite side--I am mounting two x 5Gal cans on the rear quarter panels of the trailer. But with a caveat--I want to use the cans without removing them from the trailer. Mainly because I am a bit frail (West Nile) and I am always looking for a good place to put them. What my ideal set up would be is they just rotate forward to tilt---but that would cantilever them off the quarter panel, wouldn't be stable, and could potentially be a knee basher at night. Ideally they would rotate in the same place, the rear of the can would lift up and the front would tilt down using the trailer frame as the "stop". I figured out the mechanism and started welding. Don't worry about all the spatter on the base---I'll clean that up
But how to weld the aluminum? I have a Ready Welder II for off road mig welding so I hooked it up to my Miller mig welder (constant DC), got a tank of Argon, and guess what? I can weld aluminum! I am still getting my technique down, but the welds feel strong. Here is my prototype. When done, there will be a mechanism to hold the jerry can into the holder as well as a locking mechanism holding the mechanism locked to the trailer. I love how it is coming out, though! And I am stoked to finally be able to weld some aluminum as well...