Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
HongerVenture said:A Twozone is probably in my future as well. I'd like to hear more from you on its performance. Can you really keep the bottom section frozen and the top section just chilled? Does it truly offer a Fridge and Freezer all in one?
I should have a review on the TwoZone posted up once Scott returns. You can have dual zones, and with enough playing you can have one larger freezer or fridge, pending your contents of the fridge. Our our last trip we had a bottle of rum, some beers, some Cokes, Fish and shrimp, in the Engel, and lettuce, carrots, pineapple and such in the Twozone. I had it on setting 4 for the trip out to utilize the turbo and get everything cold. We left it on 4 overnight, and then went to a setting of just over 1.5 for the remainder of the trip. Worked great. The bottom stays just a bit colder, and with the TZ area just abit warmer. TwoZone in Aus. states a difference of 1 degree C, but I have yet to test of what the actual difference is. Look for the upcoming review when Scott returns.