For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

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So while legal, you don't think it's right. Thats morality. Perhaps now you understand my stance on open carry.

Actually no. It's not what I would do, but it's definitely not immoral IMO for someone else to do it. It seems if I've heard the anti open people correctly they think it's not a "good" idea, so they don't want others to do it.


Ordinary average guy
I bought a nice pricey made in USA flag. I only fly it a few days a year. The quality is really not that good for what I paid.

There was a piece a few months ago on CBS Sunday Morning about one of the last US-based flag makers. They made many different models that looked to be made with some integrity to quality. I think it was in one of the Great Lakes states. I'm pretty sure people aren't shopping there for flags to burn.


Inactive Member
Precisely. What are your thoughts on burning the American flag?

Umm, that it is part of the appropriate retirement ceremony:

U.S. Flag Code Section 176:

(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.


Expedition Leader
Those words have been carefully minced for the sake of argument.

My position stands. I have a moral objection to open carry in most cases because I believe the primary function served by carrying a weapon openly is to intimidate and establish authority (even passively). I find this to be abrasive and borderline obscene. There are few, if any, justifiable reasons for it and I don't think people should open carry. In addition to my moral objection there is significant evidence showing that perceived "benefits" of open carry (increased safety primarily) are soundly false.


Well obviously we'll disagree then. I'd hate to live in a draconian society where the constitution could be trampled on because your feelings got hurt.


Expedition Leader
There's no question about the legality of open carry. Please stop falling back on that. The question is the morality. Is it the right thing to do.

It's now been implied that I shouldn't approach someone who is open carrying because I should be afraid I'd get shot, and also implied that if I asked this question 100 years ago that I might get shot.

I think that's the implication of open carry in general. It's abrasive and borderline obscene in many cases.

Whatever you may feel as to whether it is morally right or wrong really is not relevant, the FACT is that it is their RIGHT and the LAW to carry as they please. I spent 5 years in the Army protecting your RIGHT to sit at home behind a computer and openly whine about others practicing their own RIGHT(s), maybe you should grow some thicker skin and just learn to deal with it. And it wasn't implied you would have been shot, more along the lines of slapped around by a woman after they looked at you like you were a bonehead for asking such an asinine question. Well, good luck in your quest to change the minds of the majority who are in support of the rights of others....


Expedition Leader
"I notice a trend among the open carry defenders. There is always an implied threat or assertion of force written back at me. Interesting the parallels one could draw about that."

Should I remind you that you are the one advocating generalizations and stereotypes as a solid foundation for judging people?

Also, I support carrying any way you like so long as it is legal and you are willing to suffer the consequences. Please show me where I threatened or asserted force toward you?

Kind of getting the idea that "proper4wd" is just one of those people who have never left their tiny town and have no real interaction with the rest of the world.


Can we please just establish that there is no "right" to open carry - otherwise it would be universal. The right is to bear arms (widely interpreted as "own firearms").

Why do you think the framers came up with 2A? Hint it wasn't so you could hide a Derringer in your pocket.


Expedition Leader
In the majority opinion in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), Justice Antonin Scalia wrote concerning the entirety of the elements of the Second Amendment; "We find that they guarantee the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation." However, Scalia continued, "Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose."
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