For those that carry Guns and Overlanding

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2025 deleted member

Well-known member
What if it's someone who's clearly Muslim, or a black guy wearing gang-looking clothing, or someone with piercings in every appendage?

Most people carrying on and on about rights are really only concerned about their rights or the rights that they deem to be important based on their particular ideological leanings. All other rights are subject to interpretation.
Doesn't bother me any more than the hillbilly I see carrying.


Expedition Leader
Open carry is just a bad idea, period. I'm sure people get away with it in small Walmart towns where everyone thinks the same and knows each other. Although you could LEGALLY open carry in a city such as... oh for example.. Albuquerque, it would be a really bad idea. You are asking for trouble. I am ALL for the 2nd Amendment and am a Lifetime NRA member, but I would never open carry.


Expedition Leader
Those 2 sentences do not go together. Maybe you can say open carry is not for you, but to say it's a bad idea means you do take issue with 2A.

Uh... no. It means open carry is asking for trouble. It's called being smart. You can call it "Tactical" if that's better. Why do you think the bad guys don't open carry?

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If you encountered an armed big mouth or bully would that not make you want to be armed? Not to have a shootout but for comfort in a last ditch effort.

It's a fair question. When I wrote it I thought about that very thing. Surely, many people carry because they've been frightened by another carrier. Me personally, I know the louder the bully, the smaller the inner child. Bullys are all **************.

But that's not my point—which was simply that carrying affects how others will associate with you, or not, based on their experience and beliefs derived from other carriers.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
It's a fair question. When I wrote it I thought about that very thing. Surely, many people carry because they've been frightened by another carrier. Me personally, I know the louder the bully, the smaller the inner child. Bullys are all **************.

But that's not my point—which was simply that carrying affects how others will associate with you, or not, based on their experience and beliefs derived from other carriers.

Good points. Everything I hear bully I think of Billy Bob Thornton in the Tombstone movie lol.

2025 deleted member

Well-known member
Uh... no. It means open carry is asking for trouble. It's called being smart. You can call it "Tactical" if that's better. Why do you think the bad guys don't open carry?

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For one they are felons usually so they do not want attention from LEO's. To say it's a bad idea I stand by my statement you have issues with 2A. If you say it's a bad idea for you that's different.


"If you encountered an armed big mouth or bully would that not make you want to be armed? Not to have a shootout but for comfort in a last ditch effort."

I don't know what comfort having a weapon would bring - it just adds another dimension of difficulty to a challenging situation. I would work to extricate myself from a situation like that by being aware and not getting in that space in the first place. Not having an ego or being able to release your ego certainly helps. As I said, I sometimes "open-carry" for convenience while outdoors, and I don't as a rule carry in places where it will cause confrontations. I don't carry to show off and I don't carry to intimidate. I like to think I'm being smart about it and not just doing it for the attention. Some people will just stereotype and make generalizations regardless because of that and I feel sorry for the small-minded that will, but hey, isn't 'murica great?


Expedition Leader
because you NEEEEEED people to know youre armed. if you work in gun shop or load ATMs, sure. otherwise theres no mature, emotionally sound reason to go to lunch cocked and locked hanging out of your shirt.

they are grown men desperate for the attention.... desperate.... childishly desperate to show off their toys. i'd bet for one reason or another, they were traumatized and made to feel small and meek in society, and this fills the void.

Hey, if Bubba and Bo can't keep their 30 year old jacked up truck running then they gotta compensate somehow when they go in town.


Expedition Leader
Whatever you consider them to be, why would you confront someone carrying a deadly weapon openly, assuming it is loaded and assuming that person has had training on how to use that weapon? Given that, why would you even make those assumptions?

I wonder, who is really the childishly-desperate attention-seeker here?

I carry. Sometimes open, sometimes concealed, but never in a situation where it might be inappropriate. In the wilderness, I always consider it appropriate to carry. If you do not, more power to you.

If someone were armed and about to commit a crime, the person they see openly carrying will be their first target of opportunity. Whereas if that same person were carrying concealed then they might actually have a chance to get the drop on the suspect from a safer distance and perhaps even from behind a protected/shielded barrier such as a desk or kiosk.


Ordinary average guy
Bullys are all **************.

That may be your experience but I can say with 100% certainty that there are plenty of bullies who can and will put people in the hospital and take great pleasure in doing so; and some of them are highly-trained legal carriers (and no, I'm not referring to LEOs).


Expedition Leader
What part of the second amendment mentions open carry?

Funny thing about this is that not even 100 years ago most women wore a gun on their hip in most rural areas of this country, even funnier is what one of these women would have done to someone like you for asking such a question....
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