Doesn't inherently make it more dangerous, either. You keep placing your fears ahead of other people's Rights and privileges and choices, in your comments.
False. You're attempting to make an argument where one does not exist. At no point would I ever impede someone's right to have a gun or even make them feel uncomfortable with their decision to have one in my presence. But my comment stands. If someone in my proximity has a firearm and I do not know how much training they have had, or trust in their overall judgment, I'm not going to do anything other than remove myself from that situation, or just be extra aware of the situation, as that does not infringe on anyone's sensibilities.
And again, if I was in your camp with a gun, YOU should be concerned. I haven't had a day's training. Same reason you wouldn't want me to be your pilot, brain surgeon...
To your other points, this thread started as a "do you carry" query and I only represent the "why I do not" group. Nothing in what I have ever said, ever, smacks of why anyone else shouldn't carry. If you want to, by all means do it. I will also be the first to champion your right to do so with a vote, opinion, or other support. And no, in the last year, or the dozens before it, I have not encountered a situation whereby I felt I needed and extra level of protection. But again, I do understand that is not the case for many other people.
Doesn't mean I will likely ever carry myself.