FSJ who has them


New member
Thanks, it's really a clean truck. Of course that's partly a problem. I worry way to much about it getting damaged. In the end kind of the opposite of what I had intended when I decided to buy an FSJ, but I expect I am still better off starting with a low mileage clean truck rather than an old beater.


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Just joined the forum, have a 1962 Wagoneer under construction. Keep the FSJ love flowing.


i posted a year ago that i bought this and now after alot of work and alot of money here she is....


of course not done yet but she has come a long way.


Mine is long gone but I had an 83 Cherokee Chief and yes, a third seat will fit, I used one from a CJ and mounted it on some aluminum I beams to raise it up and provide some underseat storage. it was A 258 4 SPD WITH 4.10S AND 33s, good mileage, reliable once I replaced the OEM carb, sure wish I still had it....

And I've had a raft of J trucks, wish I still had one of the 82 stepsides...
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Simply classic, people. According to the International Full Size Jeep Association, an "FSJ" is any vehicle produced in North America, carrying the "Jeep" nameplate, with 2 or 4 doors, in rear or four wheel drive, whose wheelbase does not exceed 132 in (3,353 mm), nor is less than 109 in (2,769 mm), and whose tread width is no more than 67 in (1,702 mm) nor less than 57 in (1,448 mm). This definition is known to include the following models:

* 1963-1983 Jeep Wagoneer
* 1974-1983 Jeep Cherokee
* 1984-1992 Jeep Grand Wagoneer
* 1963-1971 Jeep Gladiator
* 1972-1988 Jeep Honcho/J-Truck
* 1967-1969 Jeep M-715/724/725/726/6217 military versions

These Jeeps, especially the Wagoneer and the Cherokees, are simply classic and unique. My IH Scout II, which I'm still waiting to be finished, is painted in honor of a childhood neighbor-family who had a Jeep Cherokee with the Chief stripes and the white top with warm red body, which always has had a special place in my heart. I rode in it a few times, but living in south Texas, I always admired it when I saw it parked at their house. The stories they shared, of going westward into the deserts and the mountains. That's another regret, never having bought it to have it fixed up.

I considering the possibility of buying one some day, but I will have my hands full when I finally get my scout finished.
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Expedition Leader
Dang I hate jeeps...

Like a proverbial Klingon I just can't let one go!!! Mine (83 FSJ Cherokee) is a rusty (no floorboards left to speak of), likely non running (may need a little love or a whole engine..?) old beast that I really don't want to let go! I've had it, built it, wheeled it, camped in it...and all in all its been pretty reliable! But with the potential of maybe needing a new engine and leaving NO doubt as to needing floorboards...I just can't justify storing it for the next several years! Yet...its not really that bad!
Argh....what to do, What to do....
:ar15: it or :Mechanic: it.....!?!?!?!?!?!:confused:


trust, what carb did you replace the oem with? would like to replace all my emission rated stuff on my 360 engine with good old gas burning equipment.


I'm getting this polished version for real cheap. Already sold the engine/trans before I even pick it up.
1981, 360, auto, 4wd, D44/AMC20.




trust, what carb did you replace the oem with? would like to replace all my emission rated stuff on my 360 engine with good old gas burning equipment.

well mine was a 258 and I tried several but the Motorcraft 2100 was by far the best

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