Fuso FG vs FE frame


Expedition Leader
The FG seems higher than would be required just to get the clearance for the axle. Something else seems different. I have not looked closely at the trucks side by side so this is just a general impression.
Do the FE and FG have the same travel in the suspension on the front axle?


Kerry, I agree 100% and here is a perfect example of that:


I guess its possible to have that much wheel travel, but that cab sure seems awful high to me, especially when you think about loads, axle ratings, front and rear wheel travel differences, etc.. Straighten the frame out and/or pull the cab down so it does not look ridiculous.

Below is a Dakar style race truck and you can see the differences:

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The problem with just "lowering the cab" is there isn't clearance between the top of the engine and the bottom of the cab floor where the seats are mounted. You can't lower the cab relative to the engine, and you can't lower the engine relative to the axle. The frame could be lowered in front if the engine was raised relative to the frame, but that would require redesigning the cab to frame mounting and not allow reuse of the FE parts on the FG.


Thats correct, you can't lower the cab anymore or theres no clearance for the engine and radiator etc.

The front wheel travel is not great so you can't lower the front travel, once again the clearance problems this time between diff and engine.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Do the FE and FG have the same travel in the suspension on the front axle?

Close enough to the same.

I dont see where this would necessitate a cab lift or changing anything on the rear of the truck.

There is no cab lift either. The cab maintains the same relationship to the chassis on both trucks. Suspension is setup on the FG so that the diff just clears the front of the engine. (a warning there if you go playing with bump stops).

Have a look at the FE front end (sorry don't have a pic on me right now but it would be easy enough to get one) . They run a beam front end so the wheels can sit a lot closer to the cab than they can if they had a diff.

As for the Dakar Truck photo

>>> it's running big singles. Look at a the difference between the 2wd and 4wd MAN TGMs below running approximately the same size wheels. See the relationship between the top of the wheel and the front steps in each photo. Also note the special mudguard they made up on the red 4wd to fill in the gap so it doesn't look so high.

The difference isn't quite as pronounced on the MAN compared to the FG as they run a very shallow diff ( OT but if you're interested >> http://www.man.com.au/manau/assets/images/gallery/trucks/tgm/On Call Excavations 009.jpg) so they probably don't need to lift as high as if the diff was the same style as the FG but you should get the idea.. ..BTW MAN do a sort of suspension lift on the rear of the 4wd so as to retain the straight chassis. .


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Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Hey John!
Got your gum boots on? all that rain crazy!

Haha. I'm working in the shed. 2 of my kids went camping though. One went to Woodford Folk Music Festival. Imagine the chaos out there. They'll be up to their waste in mud.
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