Alright boys, I guess i'll be the dad here. This isn't the Jeep forum, nobody needs to take any of this too seriously as we're all on the same team here. Lets keep it informative and good to read for those on this forum who are looking into Mitsu 4x4's for the first time.
JordanM/S - I deleted my last comment as I shouldn't repay negativity with negativity. I do suggest you delete this guy's comments and block him if you can. He's a fool that will never change, I have seen him post before and it's always him trying to start something.
The Viper- I dont mean to intrude or butt into things....but i think he was just stating facts (ie hes built 8 rigs, cost is no object, etc)...i can see how his comments could be taken as ..."head up your...", but in my opinion, Peter is one of the nicest guys around and always willing to help...I think you might of taken his comments in a direction that he certainly didnt intend. Again i dont mean to "troll", but Peter really is a "class act" guy
and yes your rig is outdated and garbage, haha (jk, please dont yell at me )
JordanM/S, The Viper and other forum users, I've wheeled with IncorporatedX and Montypower and both of these guys bring a wealth of knowledge to this forum and i'd wheel with either of them any time they're good dudes I'm sure they'd get along just fine on the trails as well, having said that maybe we let them duke it out in a bout of internet ninjitsu
Montypower, OK you proved the Gen 3 platform out on the con, yes it's very capable and it climbed a few spots that the Gen 2's had trouble getting hung up on and you were definitely able to hang. We were impressed but you did take the ladies line on a few spots where PA_JERO in his Gen 2 owned the day
and you only did half of this years Sierra Carnage so I don't know if we can even call Gen 2 vs Gen 3 a wash yet. That's right you had better not be hyping your truck up to sell it because now you are going to have to come wheel the next Sierra Challenge. Remember when we first met I said you need to sell me on a Gen 3, well there's a 120 Series in my fleet now... Looking forward to seeing you next Mitsu gathering homie. I plan to bring a Mitsu on the next Dusy Ershim run, 120 series = Meh, Toyota kool-aide is easy to drink but hard to stomach ha ha ha.
IncorporatedX, I know you mean well but Jeep forum... I say you and I team up for the next Sierra Challenge and make a name for ourselves in the Mitsu world! :wings:
Everyone else, I've built more Mitsu 4x4's with less money than anyone so eat 5HiT! BWAHAHAHAHA!