I still like my Grenadier. Our 2015 G550 has had approximately $15-20k in warranty work completed on it between 45,000-70,000 miles (bought pre-owned MB Certified). This doesn’t take into account the rust and re-paint around the windshield that they actually fixed, to my shock but my wife can be convincing. I’m sorry but holding the GWagon up as the end-all example of dependability is far from the truth. I still like it though, just please don’t say the word ‘window regulator’ around it. Would be akin to someone spouting something from a Harry Potter novel and POOF! there goes another window that won’t roll back up and $500….the New Defender I had that people love also had $8,000 in warranty work (for two headlights) for reference on those ‘other off road equivalents’. Liked that car too though.
I suppose the point I’m making is we can all pick apart just about any vehicle we’d like based on the info available online. I’m still happy that Ineos brought it to the states. Ironically if they hadn’t we’d all be pining and moaning about the disservice and shortsightedness of not including us.
All I can say is that from my own personal experience, coming from a G550 and New Defender HSE, the grenadier feels more robust and dependable. Suppose we’ll find out in the next 10 years how it stands up but I’m optimistic.
I also don’t know the spline thingy but have been having fun doing some moderate off road days with the kids. All I