Google Android software and hardware: Post here


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Google Android: Post here

A British company called Skobbler has introduced a navi program for Android. The app is free, and uses the information in a crowd-sourced database called OpenStreetMap.

Services include maps, GPS navigation with turn-by-turn instructions, photos of the streets from eye level, and a database of points of interest.

Today, the Skobbler application works in Great Britain and Germany. There are plans to expand to all of Europe soon.

There's a Skobbler version for iPhone, too.


I just got a Sprint EVO and love it so far, I will be watching this thread for all the input from you tech-inspired folks.

Off Duty

I just got a Sprint EVO and love it so far, I will be watching this thread for all the input from you tech-inspired folks.

I was wondering if anyone here was going to chime in with the EVO?
I'm glad to hear that you like it.

I'm due for an upgrade on 01 Aug, and the Crackberry is going bye bye!!!


I upgraded from the Touch Pro (it is for sale if anyone wants it, unlocked). Even after all the unlocking and ROM updates to try to speed it up, Windows Mobile was slow for me. It also froze and lockup up frequently or lost my touch buttons and had to be reset. I guess I am not much of a sales guy am I...

This Evo is fast, and easy to add to with the Marketplace. I love it so far. The camera is amazing. Now I need to find an App for Topo navigation with the GPS, hopefully free.


Expedition Leader
As described earlier in this thread, the Dell Mini 5, aka the Streak, is the largest Android smart phone on the planet. With the addition of the Logitech DiNovo mini keyboard, the Streak becomes a micro-netbook. Take a look at the Streak Smarts blog:

Here's a video. Considering that the Streak and the DiNovo were not designed with each other in mind, this looks like a workable solution. Once Dell sees this, I bet they work with Logitech on a Streak-specific keyboard.

[ame=""]YouTube- Dell Streak & Logitech diNovo Mini[/ame]

The Dell Streak is available in Europe now, and probably will be released in USA in mid-August. Dell has a pre-order page available for people who want to be first in line.

No price is available, and it's not clear if the pre-ordered Streak will be unlocked, or will require a new contract with a wireless service provider. Dell previously announced that AT&T will be one carrier for the Streak, but it's possible that other carriers will be available, too.

One issue with the Streak is that the version sold in Europe runs Android 1.6 with a Dell-supplied interface. It would be helpful if the release of the Streak in USA coincided with an OS upgrade to Android 2.1 at a minimum, and ideally to Android 2.2.


When it was first announces it looked like a phone-less device but then later we found out it was another smartphone. There are a lot of people like myself who want/need a phone-less device for other family members where we can't afford or justify another data plan, something that just uses wifi.


Expedition Leader
There was talk at one point that the Dell Mini 5 would be available with WiFi only. I don't know if that's still in the cards. I think the Streak will be available with 3G at first because that gives Dell entree to the Google Market of applications. Only smart phones can use the Market today.

Dell has talked about releasing larger versions of the Streak, specifically one with a 7 inch screen. Dell and dozens of other companies are waiting for Android 3.0 to be released before they ship these slate computers. 3.0 (aka Gingerbread) should be ready this Fall.

My guess is that Google will divide the Market into one set of apps for devices running Android 1.6 and 2.1, and a second set for devices running 3.0.

The hardware requirements for 3.0 are different than the earlier versions. I read that 3.0 will require at a minimum a 1 GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, and a 3.5 inch 800x480 screen. That means the Streak, Nexus One, HTC Evo and Droid X will be able to upgrade to 3.0, but the original Droid will not.


Expedition Leader
K-Mart (yes, the big red K) is now selling an Android slate computer.
Price: $150. The device has an 7 inch 800x480 display, an 800 MHz
processor, 256MB of RAM, 2GB of internal flash storage, WiFi and
an SDHC slot. And it runs Android 2.1.

Shortcomings of this device: No GPS, no Bluetooth, 256MB of RAM
means this device won't run Android 3.0 when it becomes available.
Screen is likely to be resistive, meaning you'll need to use a stylus
or a fingernail to navigate the screen.

I bet this announcement spurs other companies to accelerate their plans
to introduce an Android device. I'm sure Wal-Mart will be a player in this

update: most K-Mart stores don't have this in stock yet.


K-Mart page

The slate is marketed by Augen, a Florida company that resells devices
made in Taiwan and China.


Expedition Leader
Release of the Motorola Droid 2 (D2), with slide out keyboard like the original Droid, is now expected by the third week of August. There are plenty of rumors saying the D2 will run Android 2.2, aka Froyo. And, you guessed it, there will be a Star Wars themed phone called the R2-D2.

HTC, maker of the popular Evo phone, now say they will have Android 2.2 available for download starting August 3.

These two developments will put pressure on Dell. The rollout of the Streak smart phone with 5 inch screen is expected any day now, and it's looking like the phone will be initially sold with Android 1.6. Ouch!


Expedition Leader
Dell announced today that ordering for the Streak smartphone will begin on Wednesday, 11 August. The phone will include a voice/data radio that connects to the AT&T Mobile network. Without an AT&T contract, the Streak will cost $550. With a two year contract, the price is $299.

With a 4.8 inch, 480x800 screen and access to the Android Market, the Streak is attractive. What's not so attractive is that the Streak still runs Android 1.6, while several competitors' models are available with Android 2.2.


Expedition Leader
Motorola announced that orders for the Droid 2 (D2), its second generation Android phone with slide out keyboard, will start on 11 August. The D2 will work on the Verizon Wireless network. The Droid 2 will cost $299 with a 2 year contract with Verizon. After a $100 rebate, your final price is $199.

The D2 features a 3.7 inch (854x480) screen, slide out keyboard, and Android 2.2. The latter includes support for Flash 10.1, so web sites with Flash graphics will display properly on the D2.

The D2 joins the Google Nexus One and HTC Evo 4G as smart phones running versions of Android 2.2. A month from now, it's likely that many models from HTC, Motorola, and Samsung will have 2.2 available.

Verizon's talk plans begin at $40 monthly access. The Email and Web for Smartphone plan adds a mandatory $30 for unlimited monthly data access. Verizon charges $20 a month to use the Droid 2 as a mobile hotspot, but I expect third party Android software will do this for free.

The D2 is the third Droid model that Verizon offers. The other two are made by HTC, including the Droid Incredible (3.7 inch screen, no keyboard, Android 2.1) and the Droid X (4.3 inch screen, no keyboard, Android 2.1).

Here's a blog post that compares the three current Droid models

and here's a comparison of the D2 with the original Motorola Droid

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