GregB_00XJ M101 CDN2 "Way too Red" Build Thread (finally)


I think I need a bigger truck!
Ugh... I finally got time to get the trailer out of the shed and test fit the water tank. Well, I say test fit, but I really mean test-not-fit. It is too busy and cramped under there to make it work. I "could" do it, but ultimately it is too tight, and running the fill/vent/water lines will be a PITA. A smaller tank than the 13 gallons will be pretty pointless, so I give up. The good news, I have decided on the path of least resistance, it is going inside!

I have decided to re-work the divider in the front by moving it forward about 2 inches to allow the tank to go nearly directly over the axle, slightly forward of it. This will allow me to keep the COG low, keep the tongue weight close to the same as it is now, and will allow me to easily fill the tank from a much simpler filler hole. To empty it I will simply pump the tank dry. I "may" opt for a cleanout type access hole, but that will cost extra and be a PITA to keep sealed.

Bottom line, I will still have water, an easy place to mount the pump and only 1 hole in the tub for the water outlet. Takes up a little space, but really not that much... all in all I am happy with this, and it will be protected from tampering and no need for a skid plate!

I also received 4 x marker lights and 6 dual LED lights from for corner markers and for camp lighting. Pics to follow...I forgot the split loom to wrap it with so I cant yet mount it! Ugh!!



Hate to hear about giving up on the water under the tub plan. I have been in that same spot now for a while too as you know. It's funny how quickly that huge amount of room underneith seems to fill up.

Your comment about being pointless to go under 13 gallons of potable water rings true here too. We did a test on a outing to see what the min amount our family of 5 needs. was larger then that im embarrassed to say. (you need a ton of water here. Its been over 100 degrees for almost a week and it aint even July yet!)

Glad to hear you still found a way to make it work for yall. Are the marker lights the 3/4" size round ones?


I think I need a bigger truck!
Hey Hester,
Yeah...I was disappointed in not being able to get the tank under the trailer. I mean, I "could" make it work, but it would require a lot of work, way more than I would like to do. I would have to re-work the parking brake linkage and lines, the skid would be a challenge and it would sit very close to the axle. Running the lines for the filler and the vent would have had to go outside of the tub somewhere, and it was looking like the fender was where they would have ended up, not ideal. The more I think about putting it inside the easier I think it will be. The best part, it is secure, safe from harm and tampering and easier to fill. I will simply mount a fill hole in the top or even run a fill tube up inside the trailer to the rim for even easier filling. I will start on the install this week, yay projects!!

As for the marker lights, I picked up a set of these...2 orange and 2 red of course.


They are a little bigger than I had hoped, but the quality is excellent and I highly recommend the company. Shipping was fast and the products are quality. Where am I going to mount them, good question...likely higher on the tub under the rails, out of harms way and easier to see. I also picked up a set of 6 of these little babies in black.


They are sealed, 2 LED and are nice and bright with a good beam pattern. I will also be mounting them under the rails for camp site lighting, or mood lighting as the case may be. 1 on the tongue box, one on each side in front of the fenders, and 2 on the rear for the kitchen to help light it up. The switches will be mounted in the tongue box for safety and to keep them nice and dry. They were cheap, LED and very low power consumption and the light is aimed down at the ground...they should be great! Picked up the last wiring bits last evening so I will also install those this week or next weekend.

Man I have a lot to do...will look pretty sweet after however!


I think I need a bigger truck!
So I installed the perimeter lighting tonight. I figured out where I wanted them to go after much soul searching and set about installing them. I tested each one before I installed them and found a dud. Ugh... so I only managed to get 4 installed. I left the one that would be under the tent overhang for now until I get a replacement. I got about 75% of the wiring run too, but need a better soldering iron/gun as mine SUCKS. Anyhow, here is where I mounted the first 4.

In the last photo above you can also see the hole I cut for my receiver hitch that I picked up on sale. I grabbed a 24" receiver tube and had a couple of bolt tabs welded on. I will probably weld it in from behind as well , but for now it will be bolted in to the C Channel at the rear of the trailer and in the next one under the tub. 6 Grade 5 or 8 1/2 inch bolts and it wont be going anywhere.

I farted around with my water tank placement and think I may decide to mount it like this...

I like the fact it is low down over the axle, it is centered, it will allow for 2 x 5 Gal Scepters to also be loaded for a total of 23 gals on board (my 21' Tent Trailer only has 25 Gals). I think I will go with it as is. I will run the vent and the filler tube up to the edge of the tub inside for easy access and filling and mount the pump probably just under the lid opening for again easy access and a straight run out to the HW heater and my sink (ok wash tub).

So much to do still...


I think I need a bigger truck!
Managed to get a few hours of work done on the trailer this weekend. I picked up my trailer hitch from mike...I asked him to weld a couple of tabs on to it to mount it to the C Channel frame in the rear. It was a beyotch cutting the hole in the second C Channel under the tub. I used a hole saw to do the bulk of the work, then a ground down 4" cutting disk and a reciprocating saw to finish it off.



And done

5 really big stainless bolts and some sizable washers on both sides. I put the 4 in the face, and one in the C Channel drilled into the underside of the tube under the tub. Very strong, and now I can carry my bike rack, spare tire holder etc.

I also nearly completed the wiring for the perimiter lights, I just need to wire in the switch and finish it up. Next project, the water tank and the lines etc. I picked up some mounting hardware for that, should have it mounted this week, plumed this coming weekend! I think I will go have a hot shower in the driveway when it is done, just because I can!!
Greg I have a question about your trailer lid. Did you use bondo over the fiberglass? I have read that bondo does not stick to fiberglass, which seems false to me sense it says it can be used on fiberglass right on the can, as well as the fiberglass resin can says you can use bondo to smooth the surface.

Thanks and again great work on your trailer, I have got many ideas from your trailer that I'm using on mine.

Robert Walker


I think I need a bigger truck!
Hey Robert, my trailer's wood lid lid was finished with Fiberglass cloth embedded in West System Epoxy. After the base coat was laid, and the glass embedded it was then flooded with more epoxy via a spreader to fill in all the glass weave. It leaves a very smooth finish, and a nice thick build. After that it was trimmed, cleaned and Mike filled some of the fugly bits (and I assure you there were few) with good ole Bondo. It was then primed with a compatible high build sanding/surfacing primer for a buttery smooth sand. Once that had a few days to set up I used only surfacing putty (glaze) from Marson (3M) for the niggly bits.

If I had larger imperfections to fix, I too would have used question. As long as you are only using it for fixing flaws and not building up too thick of a coat, it should be fine. Mike uses these systems and products because of a LONG history with boat building. These are tried and true, and used all over the industry. You should be fine... people think filler is a bad thing no matter what and where. When used correctly it can turn a good job into a perfect job, or a bad one into a good one.

West Epoxy...

3M Marson's glaze (no need to prime it but I did anyhow)...

Thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate it and am happy to help others with any info I can share. I didn't do the work on the lid, Mike (Wavebreaker) did based off of my desired look and dimensions and his design. He does very VERY nice work, and has an incredible attention to detail. If it were not for him, this would not have turned out as nicely as it question.

Got a build thread for yours??


I think I need a bigger truck!
NO worries...happy to help if I did at all!

No work on my stuff this week so far, too tired the last few nights. NEED to get my water tank back to the supplier to get the fittings spun in and ready for mounting. Also need to pick up the water lines and fittings, hope to have water on board by the end of this coming weekend, but it is not looking good so far.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Tank dropped off for fittings installation, picking it up tomorrow after work. I also picked up a Blue Sea fuse block with a ground bus and decided to RIP out all of my existing electrical. I was not happy with the way it was, I made the power/ground box myself, and it was too cramped. Don't get me wrong, it worked very well, it just wasn't good enough. Really like the blue sea stuff, nice quality and not too unreasonably priced!

Built a custom switch box with 4 LED illuminated rocker switches only to find out the guy sold me the wrong ones...ugh. Packaging destroyed, receipt somewhere? LED's wont work without a resistor wired in for 12V application, the fine print don't take peoples word. Anyhow, back to Lordco tomorrow for 4 MORE switches. heh will be great when completed!

Busy weekend, might take the trailer out for a test tow and snap some pics fully deployed for fun.

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