Me and the guys here at work talk about guns everyday. One of our guys here is obsessed with buying lots of guns and then making them 'Scary" looking with every accessory known to man. There can be talk time to time about the SHTF times too. I always tell them the same thing. Instead of buying many, many, (too many) guns, have a few good weapons you trust and be very proficant with them, and then buy LOTS of ammo. IMHO BTW- funniest thread I read in a long time! THANKS
My guns are scary :ylsmoke:. I am consolidating to NATO calibers, and stockpiling. Fewer types of ammo to run out of, and easier availability should the SHTF. Of course, after reading this, I should probably throw away every one of my assault rifles! :snorkel:
Found this at another site:
The AR 15:
Great, awesome, unbelievable rifle(when it works). Can hit a fly in the butt at 300 yards (when it works). If one is ever attacked by a pack of feral poodles post-SHTF, this is the perfect defensive rifle (unless it jams, in which case you're poodle food). The upside is that one can hang more plastic aftermarket doo-dads on it than a Christmas tree, which may effectively frighten away bad guys when the gun jams. Also, by simply changing the upper, one can convert it into a Ruger 10/22.