GWNF again

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Thanks for posting this's a good set of maps. Gives a much better idea of what goes where than my GPS does and should cut down on back-tracking.

Unfortunately, with regards to the discussion at hand, it does not show enough detail to have allowed Clark to know where the "legal crossing" was or was not.

I will be the first to agree they don't show enough detail, but it does show a straight road.

I guess my main concern here is the interpretation that a crossing through 3" of water is preferable over a crossing that is 10' feet away with about 6" of water.
The crossing chosen was nothing but a photo op.
Mr. Clark, if you had really scouted the area you would have quickly found the obvious trail that leads off of city of Harrisonburg property and on to Dry Run Rd.
The loop through the river that was taken is plain and simple, not a trail.
I believe the main reason there are no signs is the fact that it is a river bed.
Maybe this will explain it better. This is the same "crossing".
Any way, I think I'm done here. Seems like with the exception of Mr. Ed and Mr. Clark you guys aren't really getting it. It's really a shame, this trail provides some decent fishing access as well as access to Dry Run Rd.


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.....In fact, you two, since you're so concerned about the environment and the impact of off-highway vehicles, why don't you set the example. Do the common sense thing! Sell your bloody Rovers and buy a Prius, since that's what Big Brother tells us is the most environmentally responsible thing to do!

Peace :victory:


Is that what you've done?


Grow some skin you babys! :av-7:
We are ambassadors to our sport. Acting irresponsibly doesn't fly. Yall act like you can do what ever you like. Keep it up & we will be wheeling in our back yards.
Now continue your back slapping!


Expedition Leader
Grow some skin you babys! :av-7:
We are ambassadors to our sport. Acting irresponsibly doesn't fly. Yall act like you can do what ever you like. Keep it up & we will be wheeling in our back yards.
Now continue your back slapping!
Hey keep your rig out my backyard....took forever to get it to look good and my wife hates ruts in the lawn. Maybe I'll put up some signs!:coffeedrink:


Absolutely not...and you don't see me raisin' Cain over a river crossing either.

River crossing?
The red arrow was the "trail" that Clark was crossing to.
Which is the sensible crossing assuming there was a trail there?


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Here is the actual trail that is so hard for some people to find. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic. Forgot my camera again.


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Here's your sign.

Come on Rover. Those sign are not near dry river. they are a good 3 miles down the road on 33.

Now when I first started going there (about 6 years ago) I was told to stay out of the pool but I could cross on the left side of the rocks that divide the river to get to the other side.

I think there should be a sign that clearly state where you are allow to go. If there wasn't a sign by switzer lake stating camping around it is not allowed then most people would not know. A sign would be better then relying on what a friend told you or what you may have read on a forum.

Disclaimer: just trying to steer the toxic to a discussion rather then a fight.


Actually, mcm4090, that's not correct. I was at Dry Run today (10/18/2009), and those signs are posted for a stretch of at least 6-miles. They start at the Riven Rock park area and are posted about every 100-yards all the way to the foot of the mountain. In many areas the signs are on both sides of the road.

Dry Run road is a right-of-way. It's neither a road nor a trail. If the forest service saw the need, or if the City of Harrisonburg pressed the issue, Dry Run Road could be closed to traffic. A gate could easily be installed at Rt. 33 just like the one at the foot of the dam. Straying 1-foot off the right-of-way is trespassing. Obviously, the "island" is not part of the right-of-way.

Technically, the recorded right-of-way is a straight line from the current entrance to the river bed; directly to the current exit of the river on the other side. As mentioned, in 1996 mother-nature changed the path of the river. If everyone abides by the recorded right-of-way they would be driving right down the middle of the river where the earlier posted pictures of the Land Rovers are driving with water over their hoods.

In closing, yes, the original poster was in the wrong for driving where he did. Do people do it anyway? Sure they do. That's the problem. Do we really want a sign every 100-feet posted in our National Forest? Seriously, think about it. We go to the woods to get away from civilization. Next thing you know people will be complaining that there are no STOP or YIELD signs at the intersections.


River crossing?
The red arrow was the "trail" that Clark was crossing to.
Which is the sensible crossing assuming there was a trail there?

Park yourself behind a steering wheel coming down to the river bank from 33, and the obvious route of passage is where the snout of the D1 is in your photo.
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