GWNF again

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.... I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with (and this really doesn't pertain to you as you are being reasonable) was mainly DiscoD, who has since been banned for his ridiculous comments on this and other threads, his blatant insults, and the fat that I am somehow supposed to magically know not to drive a perfectly good road. I do know no, and I will not drive that road again.



It is my perception, that mostly your got your ***** handed to you, because of the River ( show off splashies ) Crossing.
You can't claim " I DID NOT KNOW " when your friend ( that did not wanted to get wet ) crossed to the same destination on a 6" of water, rather than the NATURAL CAR WASH you show on that pic.

The rest is up for grabs , but It is without a shred of doubt, that was the reason why this thread is not at the stage it is


Obviously the area where the water is the deepest is the designated water crossing.


The land between Rt-33 and the gate (approx gps location: 38.562786, -79.088608) on Dry River Road is owned by the City of Harrisonburg and is a right of way. I agree that the NPS, and Harrisonburg haven't done a good job of letting people know this (they put signs in other, similar areas).

My understanding is that the least-obvious trail is actually the correct right-of-way. The correct right of way is actually to drive down the center of the stream to the left of where you crossed. This used to be a dry trail, but at a certain time the trail became the primary water route. As you can see below, the correct route is not entirely obvious:

View from 33 side:

View from mountain side:

The right-of way leads to FR-304 which is open from 04/01-01/10 (according to the current MVUM: which is considered the bible of legality in the GW). The gate at the property line between GW and Harrisonburg will only be opened during this time.

Surprisingly, google maps has the correct right-of-way shown:,-79.088141&spn=0.0075,0.013078&z=17 Anywhere up or down the river is not a legal trail.

Sorry you're getting so much flack from your peers... I agree that the area is not marked well and could be improved. However after my own dealings with some of the yokels, I understand why nothing other than a rock pile can stop them. I once had a yokel do a doughnut AROUND our campsite... just for fun... with no muffler. In my opinion, you aren't the one destroying the land. Thanks for showing repentance. :elkgrin:

Clark White


It is my perception, that mostly your got your ***** handed to you, because of the River ( show off splashies ) Crossing.
You can't claim " I DID NOT KNOW " when your friend ( that did not wanted to get wet ) crossed to the same destination on a 6" of water, rather than the NATURAL CAR WASH you show on that pic.

The rest is up for grabs , but It is without a shred of doubt, that was the reason why this thread is not at the stage it is

Obviously the area where the water is the deepest is the designated water crossing.

Again, as I have said before, I WAS aware of those crossings. The bikes did NOT cross to the same place as I did as they could not (by the rout they took) make the second crossing. Had I gone the way of the bikes, I still would have crossed 80% of the same rout. In most places, even in America, that difference would make no political/legal difference, no less an environmental difference (we all seem to be in agreement that it makes no environmental difference whether you cross where I did or 20yrds downstream). As I have said, I am VERY used to river crossings as I have done MANY in all parts of the world. Had you been there, you would have seen that I had no trouble whats so ever, I did not spin my tires, my truck did not have any trouble, and I did no damage to the river. If I merely wanted pictures of me driving through deep water, I would drive less then 2min to the sand quarry by my house and drive through the pits out there, I don't need to drive 5+ hrs for a photo op.

Once again, I concede the political/legal point for future reference that you cannot go that way, ONLY down Dry River Rd. it's self. However, do remember that this is a local political/legal issue, not a Tread Lightly or trail abuse issue. That is great info, and I greatly appreciate a number of you for making polite posts and explaining things for future folks to go to this area.


Scott Brady

Thank you to JeepFreak and others for providing the details and education on this sensitive area. No doubt areas for exploration are limited in the East, and I know that many clubs are organizations are working hard to preserve the trails that remain.

We can see that Clark did not intentionally drive off-trail or wildcat, and there is no doubt he is now clear on where he should be driving in that area.


So, the area in question is not legal. I guess that's the general consensus now, right?

So why was Discod banned? Because he was not sensitive enough to Clark's ignorance?????? Do we all need to huddle into a circle now, sing Kumbaya, and pass the plate around for a Love Offering?


So, the area in question is not legal. I guess that's the general consensus now, right?

So why was Discod banned? Because he was not sensitive enough to Clark's ignorance?????? Do we all need to huddle into a circle now, sing Kumbaya, and pass the plate around for a Love Offering?

That would be nice.


ExPo Original
So why was Discod banned? Because he was not sensitive enough to Clark's ignorance??????

It was due to a lack of something, namely courtesy, in the way he responded to a couple of the moderators who attempted to clean up his foul language so that his viable message wasn't lost in a sea of asterisks.

Correcting and clarifying is one thing. He did that here to some extent. Being blatantly rude & harsh to other members doesn't go over here and never has. Rather than chill out, he chose to lash out. Then he was on his way out... We have rules here, that 99% of the people here follow everyday, just like everywhere else in life.


Clark White

So, the area in question is not legal. I guess that's the general consensus now, right?

So why was Discod banned? Because he was not sensitive enough to Clark's ignorance?????? Do we all need to huddle into a circle now, sing Kumbaya, and pass the plate around for a Love Offering?

I am not a moderator, so I cannot say...however I'm quite certain he was banned for being an idiot, and what was said on this thread was only a small part of it. Dan Chapman (DiscoD) is well known for his antics. People on this forum were aware of him, I knew of him before and have since learned much more about him, and not many people have much use for how he goes about things. His purpose is good, inform people of their mistakes, educate them on the rights and wrongs, etc. However, being a complete jerk in the process only hurts his cause (which I might add is ALL our cause). In some ways he was actually nicer to me then he is to many people, though I doubt he was trying to be nicer, just happened that way. Do a search for him on many forums and you will find the same ridiculousness that he has shown here (again, I reference other threads even more than mine). For anyone who cares about an issue, someone with Dan's attitude problems is no going to help them in any way.

Now, for the sake of moving on to more important things in life then what this has now turned into (your stupid, no your stupid, NO your stupid...), might I suggest that unless you have a land use/legal/GWNF pertinent question, take a deep breath and find something FUN to do rather than being angry.

I forgot to quote it, but someone posted that this thread should be cleaned up. That is an awesome idea as there is way too much crap in here for anyone to wade through and learn of the real issues at hand (legal access and where we should be going in GWNF). I am afraid that someone will come here looking to learn something and get frustrated by the mudslinging done by some (Dan) and just give up before they learn anything.

Like I said, we have all plainly agreed on the important facts and legalities, so other then a new question such as, "is this area over here legal..." let's just all move on with our lives and go out and enjoy our world!



I forgot to quote it, but someone posted that this thread should be cleaned up. That is an awesome idea as there is way too much crap in here for anyone to wade through and learn of the real issues at hand (legal access and where we should be going in GWNF).....

That is a big problem we have , CLEANNING A THREAD, while I agree Disrespecting someone it is not productive, a MODERATOR changing the essence ( read ORIGINAL POSTED WORDS ) of a message is equally disrespectful.

When we make mistakes and are being CALLED OUT ON IT, might not be what we want to hear, it could be constructive ( as long as respect is there ), but holding hands and telling everyone " I did not meant it, because I did not know " doesn't cut it, and banning someone for not SUGAR COATING is more disrespectful to our intelligence to say the least.

We have tons of Butt Kissers ( I am sure asterisk will be placed on this ) in here that do not get banned , but the info they post shall be banned as it borders on the ridiculous, and dangerous recommendations to how set up your ride, or recover , etc etc. But nothing gets done.

It took a Miracle to get Steve ( Segal Black Ops ) Young after years and years of Pathetic lies and crazy recommendations, however, if someone calls someone a DIP**** is an aoutomatic bann. ( I thought for a moment we were adutls here, guess I was mistaken ).

These might be my last words as I am dissagreeing with a Moderator's way of doing things, and might get banned.

My $ 0.02 ( not that anyone cares )


Your question is rhetorical Dan, given that you are Discod, Hank, 1Hank1, HelloKitty and any other username you have started on this forum.

How come the other post was deleted that stated DiscoD was banned do to insulting a moderator in a PM?

Seems his banning was personal and nothing more.

Scott Brady

I can assure you that his banning was not personal, or as the result of a PM. I do think Dan has experience that could benefit our members, but he is not willing to adjust his tone for this forum. We gave him as much latitude as possible. Expedition Portal has rules about respectful debate and no flaming. Dan continues to break those rules, which is why he was banned. We are certainly not the first forum to have banned Dan Chapman.

I can understand why someone would not like our rules, but they are our rules, and fortunately nearly 11,000 members and 140,000 unique visitors per month DO like a forum where some common courtesy and respect is the standard.


I do not want to saying anything more as I'm afraid of getting banned. But I do not agree with you.
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