GWNF again

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Scott Brady

That is a big problem we have , CLEANNING A THREAD, while I agree Disrespecting someone it is not productive, a MODERATOR changing the essence ( read ORIGINAL POSTED WORDS ) of a message is equally disrespectful.

When we make mistakes and are being CALLED OUT ON IT, might not be what we want to hear, it could be constructive ( as long as respect is there ), but holding hands and telling everyone " I did not meant it, because I did not know " doesn't cut it, and banning someone for not SUGAR COATING is more disrespectful to our intelligence to say the least.

We have tons of Butt Kissers ( I am sure asterisk will be placed on this ) in here that do not get banned , but the info they post shall be banned as it borders on the ridiculous, and dangerous recommendations to how set up your ride, or recover , etc etc. But nothing gets done.

It took a Miracle to get Steve ( Segal Black Ops ) Young after years and years of Pathetic lies and crazy recommendations, however, if someone calls someone a DIP**** is an aoutomatic bann. ( I thought for a moment we were adutls here, guess I was mistaken ).

These might be my last words as I am dissagreeing with a Moderator's way of doing things, and might get banned.

My $ 0.02 ( not that anyone cares )

I do appreciate the feedback.

We have been discussing the method of moderation to ensure that any moderation is consistent with the rules and shows no favoritism. Look for some changes regarding that soon.

I know we keep coming back to this, but I strongly believe that it is possible to not only correct poor 4wd/recovery practice, but also educate the uninitiated. By just saying "You are stupid" in response to a demonstrated (incorrect) technique, it does nothing to correct the technique, and it also does not educate others on the forum.

Scott Brady

I do not want to saying anything more as I'm afraid of getting banned. But I do not agree with you.

You are certainly welcome to disagree with me. I am far from perfect and ExPo is also far from perfect, but I do believe what we are trying to accomplish has merit. As mentioned earlier, our exponential growth is proof of that. I also appreciate your contributions to this thread, which were informative and respectful.

And ExPo does not have a reputation for banning people. We have only banned two people in the history of ExPo (other than spammers). Steve Young and Dan Chapman.


I do appreciate the feedback.

We have been discussing the method of moderation to ensure that any moderation is consistent with the rules and shows no favoritism. Look for some changes regarding that soon.

I know we keep coming back to this, but I strongly believe that it is possible to not only correct poor 4wd/recovery practice, but also educate the uninitiated. By just saying "You are stupid" in response to a demonstrated (incorrect) technique, it does nothing to correct the technique, and it also does not educate others on the forum.

You are quite welcome and look forward to see the changes you are speaking of on your post.

I agree, " You are stupid " doesn't help the situation , but if the people who posted " ABNORMALITIES " ( was that productive ;-) ), were to do a 360 degree feedback on themselves I am not so sure the outcome will be too different.

Okay done with this , and moving on to more Productive things


I'm not sure if you feel 11,000 members is impressive. Just to put things into perspective, Pirate4x4 has over 144,000 members; and Outter Limits 4x4 has over 90,000 members.

Perhaps you're only greeting your target audience?

In any case, it really does not matter. The tone of your postings, and the tone of the posting that suddenly disappeared, says it all. Your moderators do not like to be questioned. It's called a powertrip. Maybe that's why your board only has 11,000 members.


ExPo Original
I put my post back up.... I took it down because I thought Scott was handling the matter just fine.

For clarification - if you are rude to the other members here and rude to the moderators, there is a good chance you may be shown the door. It has nothing to do with "the moderators being questioned", it has everything to do with being civil and following the rules we have established to make this forum enjoyable for everyone who doesn't enjoy the more "lively banter" on some other forums.



Rather than edit the content, why not just lock the thread. Within a few posts of being alerted to the illegality, Clark stated he wouldn't go back. This thread was for Clark's pictures - which he posted. There was also pertinent info posted - the legality of the trail. That all occurred in the first two pages (as did the regressions). Over the next 8 pages or so was a bunch of junk other than a few people trying to clarify where the legal trail actually is (which apparently isn't clear). So why not lock it. People can start a new thread on legal trails at GWNF or trail etiquette, or maybe even forum etiquette or whatever else. Hopefully those new threads will contain far less douchebaggery in them.

Can I be banned for made up words?:D


its a shame!

Stuck at my desk waiting for a meeting,started reading this post and all i can say is that it all started with a POSER picture,what a waste of internet time!.
If i was in charge i would delete the whole thread.
Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"


OP didn't believe he was wrong & still really doesn't [more than likely.]
All this could have been avoided if th OP just took it like a man.......
Truth hurts sometimes!

Signed Let Go My Ego


OP didn't believe he was wrong & still really doesn't [more than likely.]
All this could have been avoided if th OP just took it like a man.......
Truth hurts sometimes!

In your view 'taking it like a man' does not mean admitting a mistake. So what is Clark supposed to do to satisfy you? Seppuku? Jump up and down on one foot and cry? What, in your estimation, does 'taking it like a man' entail? I'm sure if I call you a moron you'll 'take it like a man'?

Poor arguments hurt sometimes.


Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Clark... you screwed up. Plain and simple.

As far as common courtesy and manners go, the lack of manners of DiscoD, whoever you are is disturbing and disrespectful, and I'm not just talking about this thread. Insulting a moderator is even worse. These are the people whose task it is to ensure polite and respectful discussion.

Think about this one. Namecalling online is easy to do and avoid consequences. I do believe if you carry that tone over to personal meetings, you will end up bleeding on the floor.

Its not rocket science. Your mother taught you manners. Resort to namecalling and everyone will just ignore you (as said previously), because we have no other recourse in an online medium.

Frankly, I find the conduct on this thread to be insulting. I found a forum here that I thought was full of intelligent people who can help each other share a common passion. I guess there are bad apples everywhere.
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Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
I guess there are bad apples everywhere.

I've just been waiting to hijack something with this one::victory:


  • Small apple.jpg
    Small apple.jpg
    111.1 KB · Views: 280


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
I carried that apple around for four days in my jacket pocket last fall. Made me laugh every time I realized it was there.
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