I am right there with you!!! I bought my H1 to expo like a pro
I have a 2001 on 42's
I get my lockers and gears back next week!
An H1 can carry 2 tons in the bed and offroad at 40degree side angle!!! ****** thats awesome!
Feel free to call me and talk about Hummer specific stuff
Eric, Rob and I (Mark) are all on the HML as well. I think we need to do H1 Expo in 2013!!! I am still getting my truck all put together.
You need to check out
www.humvee.net it is the largest and best Hummer forum. Look for me on there my name is the same.
Here is my 10 page build thread.
anyone can sign up for this forum if they want to know about H1's and have great discussions.
I don't do this to take away from this forum at all! I love this forum. I read and post on this forum to broaden my ideas. I love seeing what and how people mod up there toyo's. I am spending most of this weekend to work on a FJ!
Once i get my rig all put together 2-3 months left

i want to rock it Expo style.