H1 Hummer Wagons


The Military Hummer came out in 1985. The civilian market received them in either 1992 or 1993. They work just fine in some places in Nevada (wide open desert) they SUCK on two tracks with sage on each side of the road. I gave up buffing mine out after every single off road adventure up in the mountains (It was black to boot). They are to wide for that environment. And I lived in Nevada up until November of last year. I have installed and removed seismic stations every 40 square miles across Nevada as well as much of the rest of the Country. So yes Ive been all over Nevada. Hummers or H1s are great off road but not in every single situation. My Dodge Power Wagon (2005) was much better suited. Now I suppose your going to tell me that Dodge didnt make the Power Wagon option in 2005?????

if you have 4x4 driving experiance then u know every truck has its good side and bad side , for example places were ur dodge will roll over 5 times h1 can pass with no problem, this is 1 of 100 examples ,

enjoy driving your dodge and we will enjoy our H1


#1 The Military Hummer Came out in 1985 Civilian Hummer in 1992 or 1993
#2 Wrong.
#3 Nevada has more Mountain ranges than all of the other States combined. Its not one big open desert as most people think.

#2 wrong? really????????????? wow tnx for the corection this is my 5th H1 EVERY SINGLE HUMVEEor HUMMER h1 came with some kind of locking diffs BTM ,TT4, or E LOCKER

and if realy had 93 H1 as u say, then it came with BTM beautiful 4x4, i am guessing you didnt know what that was or never had an H1


$100k eh...maybe we should stick to Europe? I hear all the roads are wide there! Yes...some serious exploration is indeed needed. I still think a shakedown run to Prudhoe Bay is in order but the outback sounds great!

prudhoe bay sounds fantastic in fact i was talking to forest service guys yesterday, and they told me we can drive up washington using offroad trails we can get the maps needed ,and in canada we can do the same , so basicaly we can drive to arctic ocian using no or very little highway driving .

did u see my new video on youtube? i am exploring every 4x4 trail i get a chance, this week i will try to drive to mt SHASTA using offroad trails only it will be about 10 hour drive true beautiful river crosings and waterfalls, i got the map.

ur san will love it we should go somewhere soon, your hummer is 4x4 right? lol


Expedition Leader
we want expedition truck not a tractor, i know where caterpilar dealer is, i can give the phone # if u want a tracktor

HAVE YOU NON HUMMER H1 DRIVERS SEEN ANY H1 OWNER TALK SH,IT ABOUT OTHER 4X4??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/ GO THINK WHY IS THAT MAY BE U WILL FIND THE ANSWER .....

Hey crazy I'm not talking trash. I drive hmmwvs in the army. I would love to own one. And about the tractor comment. The other guy said hmmwvs are tractors. I just simply said that a Unimog is a tractor. Not a hummer.

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Expedition Leader
Nevada has more Mountains than the rest of the Country combined. You sure you live in Nevada? Its not just one big open desert as most people think.

You're so smart :). Yea I'm pretty sure I live in Nevada. Carson city actually and I see plenty of open spaces everywhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


#1 HMMWV or Humvee and a Hummer are DIFFERENT!!! not by a lot, but enough to matter. Get it right. Yes the first production Hummer was released in 1992 as an LE or Limited Edition
#2 E-lockers became an option (front and rear) in 2002 - 2006 (no 2005's). 92 - 98 had no ABS, 2.73's gears in the diff and TT2 (Very Capable BTM Carriers). 1999 -2006 (no 2005's) had ABS, 2.56's in the diff and TT4's (Not Very Capable BTM Carriers, but possible. The carrier was changed because of the addition of ABS (safety reg))
#3 No comment!

I love my 2001 HMCS (Wagon). I have it heavily modified to say the least.

Ron and Eric ****** man send me some e-mails about this Prudhoe Bay adventure!!! That is on my todo list for sure. I just did not want to run solo or without another Hummer. Hey then we could post our adventure in the adventure thread!!! Wouldn't that be a sight.

Ron and Eric are you locked up f/r with 12k shafts? What year trucks do you have? Eric which one of your trucks would you take?

Works Cited:


Holy crap i just google mapped prudhoe bay from Houston LOL!!!m 4800 miles one way!!! on road that would be almost 1000 gal for me!!! We might need some sponces lol like Chevron, Shell!!! That trip would be epic!!!

Eric you are in Denver right? Ron where in Ca are you?

It would be killer if we could leave from the Overland EXPO 2013???

Ron B

we are both in the Burbank, CA area. Looks like a 8k mi round trip from here...crazy long. Will nee air tanker to re-fuel while driving -- sponsors will be a good idea :).


Mark I am in so cal .it will be awesome if u can join us that will be sweet adventure. I am gona bring my HMC4 and put the roof tent on it. Even tho wagon will be nice to sleep in it.

From LA its about 3600 miles . Or u can find 3 more ppl to join you and they can help u with fuel cost 1000 bucks each for one hell of a adventure? Well worth it.


Flighht2k5 the comment about ppl talking sh.it about the hummer wasn't for you sir :) the tractor part was lol. But I understand what u mean .
I am glad you like the humvee/H1



Since you guys are both in ones spot I would meet you there. Heck I might just tow the hummer there, to make better time. I am not sure how many people I would want with me. 1 or 2 extra. I am pretty sure the wife would pass on this vaca. Maybe she could stay in la and just have fun lol. If I had more than myself I would probably but a RTT, if not I would sleep inside.

Please describe your powertrain. 6.5td's? What year model and current mileage. We would want to all have similar parts so we don't need as many spares.

I guess the biggest question is how long would it take to go la to prudhoe? I would have a hard time getting 30 straight days off! I would have to tow out the rig the weekend before fly back work a week. Drive for two weeks fly back. And then get the truck the following weekend. Would I be able to store my f250 and 25' gooseneck somewhere cheap?

Basically do you think we could go there and back in two weeks? Would we want to make it that fast?

We would have 3 different style truck lol

Ron B

my time is limited as well -- work and my boy take every spare day it seems. But this is something I always wanted to do. I need to fab a rack and put a rtt over the bed like Oilworker did to his d-130 (on portals) We all have different tire sizes/lifts which is funny. At least we all have 6.5's, though Eric's is NA I believe.

serious thread hijack here and I am partially responsible -- maybe we should start a new thread...if we are serious?!


Plus we have a wide range of year models 2001, 1997.5, and Eric's (1995 or 1996???)
wagon, 4dr, and open top


Ron Start it!!! We need to have a link to it in this thread. We need to fully describe our trucks and the challenges ahead...


ERIC has
2000 WAGON.
1994 HMC4 with 138K miles

you might want to take the 2000 so we all have more simular powertrains? plus sleeping inside when its cold out is better ;)

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