HDR Processing



Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
I downloaded Photomatix a few years ago and played with it a bit then. I was trying to process HDR photos to make them look "realistic" to me, as in, what my eye would see in a scene that was beyond what the dynamic range of a camera could capture.

And I would say nicely done. :victory:

Sometimes I play with HDR to push it into art like when shooting rust but normally all I want to do is come closer to what my eyes were seeing in the scene.

Your examples are a great example of not pushing it too far and representing close to what you experienced. Well done.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
This is why.

I understand. I think HDR can be effective, if used wisely, but injudicious use of the technique as is most commonly seen, without consideration to effect or impact on the viewer, I agree, is somewhat distressing.

I'm reading the late[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Galen-Rowells-Inner-Outdoor-Photography/dp/0393338088/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1303228689&sr=8-1"]Galen Rowell's, Inner Game of Outdoor Photography [/ame] and there's a chapter where he discusses the importance of the dark shadows, sillouettes, and underexposed areas. In this chapter he suggests that dark areas trigger a primal emotion in us all. He very plainly expresses that dark shadows trigger a sence of mystery in a viewer, and that without them an image lacks depth.

Some are probably wondering what this has to do with HDR? Well ,in a chapter on shadows he expressed a curiosity for the future and suggests that if we come to a point where have the technology to ‘fix a shadow’ too much, images will lose that sense of depth that dark shadows provide. You can see this with many HDR shots and upon reflection, I have to agree with the statement. In looking at images that I find provocative, almost all of them have areas of dark shadows. Case in point, one of my favorite photographers Ebru Sidar's exceptional work. Look at how she uses shadow in her images to stir emotion. You don't get that with 'poorly' executed HDR. Most HDR looks like something designed by Mickey Mouse.

I have a whole slew of filters that I use individually from time to time, but just because I have them doesn't mean I want to use them on every image. HDR, I feel, requires the same level of respect for impact and approach. Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. With that said, I'm still interested in HDR but at this point careful blends in PS appears to be the only effective process that works for my intents.




The last couple are just terrific, Trevor. Beautifully done.

Edit- I see why you posted those, just checked out the link. She's quite the 'amateur' :)
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Expedition Leader
That's a nice photo of a beautiful setting, but please please please correct the horizon line! It's jarring all sorts of things in my head when I look at that!

I've done a bit of HDR, mainly processed with Photomatix. Here is one where I tried to make it more photo realistic. I posted this on a photography forum and I saw that it looked way oversharpened. It doesn't look that way on the original image, so it must be a result of compression, or something. Anyway, please excuse the sharpness!



New member
That's a nice photo of a beautiful setting, but please please please correct the horizon line! It's jarring all sorts of things in my head when I look at that!

I thought the same thing and I have a version with the house straightened. I think it looks better too, but this version was already posted. However, if you look at the wall and steps, they are straight. The house is actually lower on the left side. If I look at the version with the straight house al of the other parts of the image are now lower on the right. I really need to make a selection of the house and straighten just it. Lots of work and I don't know if the image is good enough to do all that.


I do my HDR processing in PS Elements. Im still really new to it, but this is what I've got so far:



I've got a few more, but I didnt wanna fill the whole thread with my pictures. :D

Any opinions/criticism is greatly appreciated. :D


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