Yes. Sat out for several days.
RPM is about 300 more than normal (always ran high) but I cant get it to go down.
I wonder if the EGR system is in fact messed up? I also wonder if removing the EGR would help anything?
On TOP of the throttle body there are two vac lines, EGR and EGR-b IIRC. Disconnect them and cap both the hoses and the ports. Tag them for later. If you mix them up (if you reconnect them) you will fail emissions for NOx. (DAMHIK)
What "idle screw" did you screw all the way in? Not the "golden screw" right? The one on the IAC valve should be about 1-1/2 turns out, IIRC. It varies from truck to truck. Idle is set on the throttle body (with the jumper in I think), while you are setting the timing. Then the TPS has to be recalibrated to the new idle setting. The whole process is a bit of a PIA.
Are you working with a service manual?
Oh, don't forget that any vac leaks into the block (like the dipstick tube, the valve cover bolt seals, etc. ) can screw with you too.
Have you replaced the accordion hose yet?