Wanted to share this one, that's the wiring harness that sits above the transfer case.
Last winter I was getting 'service 4wd' messages. Read the code, changed the transfer case solenoid thing. No more codes. Came back a couple weeks ago, intermittently. Checked the switch with an ohm meter, it was bad, replaced switch. Still had the 'service 4wd' message, truck was starting up in 4H, 2L, Auto, etc. Read that I should clean some grounds, so I did. Truck started slamming into low at stoplights, got stuck in low leaving the store had to pull the fuse to reset the TCCM to get back into 2wd. Next day I couldn't get it out of low and limped a few blocks home in low range right into the garage and found the harness all rubbed out (I assume from the front driveshaft?) Anyway, pulled the green wire out of the connector on both sides and spliced them into a their own separate connector. No issues now.
Last winter I was getting 'service 4wd' messages. Read the code, changed the transfer case solenoid thing. No more codes. Came back a couple weeks ago, intermittently. Checked the switch with an ohm meter, it was bad, replaced switch. Still had the 'service 4wd' message, truck was starting up in 4H, 2L, Auto, etc. Read that I should clean some grounds, so I did. Truck started slamming into low at stoplights, got stuck in low leaving the store had to pull the fuse to reset the TCCM to get back into 2wd. Next day I couldn't get it out of low and limped a few blocks home in low range right into the garage and found the harness all rubbed out (I assume from the front driveshaft?) Anyway, pulled the green wire out of the connector on both sides and spliced them into a their own separate connector. No issues now.