washington taco
Just ordered a Hi Lift extreme 60" jack. What accesories would you buy? I have a 2000 Taco stock bumpers with recovery hooks added to the rear. I need this as my do all recovery/trail repair lift. Sugestions please!
A hi-lift mate is a must with a newer vehicle. It's slid over the nose of the jack and uses hooks to lift a rim, or whatever else.
You can also use a synthetic winch line extension in place of the chain. Its more expensive than chain, but is lighter and will generally give you more reach. It can be shortened and adjusted by using a non-tensioned knot system with a removable 'pike' (?).
What has been mentioned and:
Off road base, cotter pin to remove base plate, grease (keep it with you), choker chain, tree strap, tow strap, wheel chalks, d shackle, overland journal!
... add small saw or hatchet, a shovel, and you have yourself a capable recovery kit.
removable 'pike' (?). At least that is what I think you call it....
I think the way it's being used there it's referred to as a"toggle".