Sanity check by request. <whips out totally awesome, gold plated, one time use, line item veto pen (black ink of course)>
Didn't I title my last post, "violent agreement"?
-- Electrical circuits are circuits. Agreed. This means that resistance on either leg can cause a voltage drop in the circuit. It is simply easier to imagine that it lies between point A and B.
-- The charging circuit must be wired to carry the full output of the charger over the distance between the charger and the battery. Agreed. (In my particular case, I simply accepted the GM factory wiring and took AM Solar's suggested wiring size for the solar kit.)
The crux of the issue, may be "oversized" vs. "right sized." Here too, I agree.
Sized to carry the full output of the charger. For charging, distance isn't really an issue unless you start getting into serious distance, such as that 40 meters (!!) example of SmartGuage's. And really, if your charger is 20 meters away from your battery - you probably need to find a way to fix it (like maybe sticking a DC-DC charger in there somewhere).
"Undersized" is also a serious consideration. You can get away with it over short distances (auto manufacturers do it every day), but it will put a noticeable crimp in performance. Noticeable in the case of battery charging by taking a lot longer to charge, and in the case of supplying a load such as in inverter in having it shut down from low voltage when the battery still has plenty of voltage to run it.
And you can sometimes make undersized work for you. I recall you said you couldn't use a Sterling because of the 15.5v of your factory system. (I assume you meant a DC-DC charger rather than a Sterling piggy-back voltage regulator which would override your factory regulator anyway.) Well, the voltage is 15.5v peak under the hood. You might have been able to get away with a DC-DC charger in the back with the aux battery and undersized wire to feed it from the main bus - thereby using that handy "theoretical" voltage drop to shave that 15.5v down to a manageable level.
Of course, that would be what is known as a "hack", and the way you did it is better (proper), but in a pinch...there are some tricky ways to skin cats.
In my case, I have a 300Ah starter battery bank connected to a pair of alternators with a combined specced output of 250A. I am using the GM factory wiring.
I'm curious as to what size the factory wiring is.
This 300Ah battery bank is connected to a 600Ah camper battery bank, about 20 linear feet away. (The actual cable length is probably closer to 25 feet, one way, call it 40-50feet, round trip.) I want to achieve the highest possible current flow between the two battery banks. Using Chris Gibson's formula as a guide ( If I go for a voltage drop of 0.5, in the circuit, then I need 360mm2 of copper. I simply rounded this down to about 100mm2 which I get by using a pair of AWG 1/0 cables. Using a pair makes it easier to run, especially as each of my starter batteries is on a different side of the truck.
So, my, wiring is not "oversized" but rather only about 1/4 of the textbook size.
But, when you realize that 99% of all dual battery setups run cables between AWG 6 and 10, that is under 15mm2, it is "oversized" compared with industry practice, but, in fact, undersized for the potential amp flow over the distance required.
So far so good. I'd say that's one helluva rounding down though. But it works.
Some more agreement. A charger will only "see" the battery to which is it most closely connected.
Okay, that's insane. (Hey, you asked for a SANITY check.) That's one of the false assumptions I mentioned earlier.
The charger doesn't see anything individual on the system - it only sees the complete system. Or, as I refer to it - "the bus".
In the case of your rig, it sees the main bus voltage until the IBS closes the solenoid and connects the aux bus to the main bus - thereby creating one big "main bus" - then the voltage regulator still sees the "main bus" voltage.
When the IBS connects the two into a single bus, the main bus voltage starts dropping and the aux bus voltage starts rising. The voltage regulator is going to see the *product* of that process.
<Time for the air pressure analogy...> The main air tank (main battery) is full and you open a valve to connect an aux air tank (aux battery). The overall pressure of the system drops, which triggers the pressure switch which turns on the compressor. The pressure switch don't know from jack what is happening where, it just knows the pressure is down.
Though actually, in the specific case of your rig, when the IBS opens the valve to the secondary tank, the main isn't full yet, because you ran it down a bit last night sipping merlot and gleefully converting gobs of watts into BTUs. So the switch that turns on the compressor has *already* tripped and the compressor is *already* running when you open the valve to connect the two tanks.
Now consider this: If the compressor is big enough to supply enough air, air will flow from it into *both* tanks, raising the pressure of the whole shooting match.
Which would shoot down what I see as another (possibly) dodgy assumption: That the chassis battery is feeding the aux battery when the IBS ties them together.
Of course, here the analogy breaks down a bit, since air tanks would equalize quickly and then the compressor would raise the whole system's pressure, but with lead-acid batteries it works a bit differently because they resist; so what happens is the voltage regulator sees a low voltage on the bus, turns on the alternator to supply the bus and whichever battery has a lower potential (both) than the alternator is going to get power flowing IN to it, rather than out of it.
In other words: IF the alternator were not large enough to supply all the AMPs the aux is drawing, then the aux would pull the bus voltage down below the voltage of the main battery, and THEN the main battery would start supplying power to the bus to make up the difference.
(That's what happens when you run a winch with a 200a load and you only have a 100a alternator. The bus voltage drops below the battery voltage, and the alternator can't prevent that, so power runs out of the main battery to the bus (in this case, at a rate of 100a).)
In the case of lead acid batteries, the function is really rather simple. The charger monitors the voltage of the battery and, when it detects a drop, supplies current (amps) and voltage until it raises the voltage to the desired level. The more modern the charger, the more the bells and whistles and the better the charging function. Modern chargers:
-- Use higher voltages than before, as the higher voltage difference, the greater the current flow.
Well sorta. They use higher voltage *set points* because modern VRLA batteries can handle higher voltages. But that's the set points, not the flow control of the current.
The control of the current flow is a function of the *potential* voltage (until you hit the current limit). The higher the difference in *potential* the greater the flow rate, but the higher voltage itself doesn't actually exist until the battery gets there (reaches the set point), because the battery is limiting the voltage.
(Yes, that was pedantic, but since I'm here anyway...

-- Use a multi stage program, typically bulk, absorb, float, to charge fast, charge deep (dissipate surface charge), and maintain.
-- To do this, modern chargers typically incorporate temperature sensing to raise voltage as the weather turns cold and, at the same time, avoid boiling off moisture in the battery. (Especially critical in gel and AGM batteries that cannot be topped up with water.)
Critical in VRLA batteries. All sealed lead-acid batteries are VRLA. There are also flooded sealed batteries and they can't be topped up either.
They may also respond to specific needs like headlights or windshield wipers. Some also incorporate a shunt to more quickly respond to battery discharge and, in some cases, a remote voltage sensor to compensate for voltage loss in the circuit.
Any voltage regulated, alternator supplied vehicle bus is going to handle headlights and wipers (normal expected loads) because as soon as you turn 'em on, the bus voltage drops. And solid-state voltage regulators operate bloody fast to begin with. I think the shunt is just a way to allow a computer controlled setup to get a read on the amp flow.
Can't comment on the remote voltage sensor. Sounds good though - run with it.
So, how does the truck alternator/regulator side of my system work?
-- Start engine or let the sun rise, battery voltage rises to >13.2v. Relay closes.
-- At this point, the starter batteries and camper batteries are connected. Current flows from the more highly charged battery to the less charged battery.
Once again, I'm thinking dodgy assumption unless you've actually measured it happening. In which case, "Shut ma mouf!"
-- The rate of that flow is determined by the voltage difference and restricted by the resistance of the cabling.
-- Either or both chargers will respond to any voltage drop in their battery(s), by ramping up voltage and current, to the limits of the charger.
So, to go back to the original poster's system, what is the news you can use?
-- You need to know the size of the primary battery and the capacity of your charger.
-- Then you need to know the distance between the batteries. Both under the hood? You can probably use 15 feet, round trip. Back of your truck? You are probably guessing over 40 feet.
This known, you can calculate the size of the cabling required. This chart is probably close enough:
View attachment 238559
Where would I differ with the original poster? Only on this, if you have a solar kit, there are benefits to using an automatic, bidirectional relay, as opposed to a key controlled relay.
I'll buy you the beer, but you gotta buy me a decent Merlot.

(Okay, now here's where it gets REALLY pedantic...)
Original poster? Original poster? ******? I though the original poster was evldave showing how to make a cheap isolator setup and the rest of us were just a bunch of drunks stumbling around in an off-topic daze!