Progress on the front receiver - I trimmed the crossbar to length and made mounting brackets for it; it mounts to the factory tow hook holes on top of the bumper. Nothing is welded yet. The d-ring eyes are clamped in position for this photo.
The winch has arrived so I'll do measurements so I can design a mount that will fit properly in the front and the back (and clear the spare tire above the bumper in the back). If possible, I'd like to add a vertical receiver tube in the front to store the winch vertically when it's not in use, something like in the photo below although the piece of receiver tub in the photo is too small, it's just there for mockup purposes for now. It may be that in the vertical position it obscures too much of the narrowly spaced CJ headlights and turn signals, I'll know that shortly as I work through the final design.
Also - I've calculated the interior volume of the crossbar and it's just under one gallon. With that in mind I think I may weld a pair of 1/8" NPT bungs on the back - with those I can experiment with using the crossbar as an air tank for my 12v compressor. A one-gallon air tank isn't much, but it could help with a small 12v compressor.