There were quite a few diesels in the mid-80's on quite a few vehicles including the Ford Ranger, the Isuzu Trooper and the Mazda B2000 pickup. Most of them were smoky, loud and hideously underpowered.
When we complain about the lack of diesels in the US market, what we have to understand is that many manufacturers got badly burned by diesels in the mid 80's. Their reluctance to introduce diesels into the US is based on an understandable disinclination to stick their hands back into that hot stove.
The problem here is lag time. Until recently, when gas prices finally hit a high relative to income, the highest fuel prices were in about 1980-81. With gas prices so high, many people were clamoring for diesel engines. So, the manufacturers responded, but there is always lag time between the decision to make a vehicle and when that vehicle appears. The first imported diesels didn't start hitting the US market until around 1982-84, IIRC, and by then fuel prices had fallen.
So, the manufacturers were stuck with vehicles that were poor performing (because they were made for 3rd world countries with bad road systems where 50hp and 45mph is perfectly acceptable), smoky, and noisy. Nobody wanted them and the dealers ended up selling them at a loss.