David Harris
Expedition Leader
In the Congo they suffered the first major truck breakdown on the entire trip. Would it have been worth the hazzle of bringing a bunch of spares all around the globe when they never really needed it? I think not. They had no reason to believe that the truck would fail, and when they did they found out a way to fix it. With the help of locals and "trustee's".
So stop the bloody pissing contest for crying out loud.
I agree on this, as far as spares, I don't think anyone would have carried spares including an extra hub and broken diffs on a Land Cruiser. The Land Cruiser hub bolts are a weak link in the vehicle, since they are only 8mm, too small for the weight rating of the the truck. (By comparison, for example, a Land Rover full floater has 10mm bolts stock.) They rust and fatigue over time and break. Those who are knowledgeable about the weakness drill them out and replace them with larger 10mm or 3/8 bolts. I would at least carry a hand drill or lightweight electric drill with a few bits/easy-outs if I were going out into a remote area, as well as a selection of different sized bolts for the most common sizes on the engine and chassis. This wouldn't take up much room and isn't that heavy. Ditto for RTV. Every time I work on a part of my vehicle I compile a list of the associated hardware, tools and material I used. This makes a good reference to go back to when deciding what tools and parts to carry.
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