Hilarious!!! Bashing to me is criticism with no factual basis.
That isn't what's going on here. What's happening here is philosophical debate on old versus new, modern versus antiquated. The debate here won't have a winner and won't have a loser because the point of views will never converge except to say the end result of either scenario will roll down the road and will provide shelter for an undetermined amount of time. You don't need to spring in here to come to the electronic rescue of Mr. IdaSHO because he isn't in danger of feeling badly, changing his worldly views or whether he votes Republican or Democrat in the next election. Fundamental opinions on the technical application of both materials and methods should in theory be something which a little science can prove a clear winner, but as is evidence by Ford Vs. Chevy, Butter side Up vs. Butter side Down, Diesel vs. Gas, BF Goodrich Vs. Michelin, I.E. nobody will have their opinion swayed here. Thanks for stopping in and flashing your badge.
Sincerely, Mr. Ghetto Down by the River Van Man himself...SG.
It would be appreciated if you never posted in this thread again.
I dont need your BS cluttering my thread. Ive quoted you to show your true colors to other member and the mods.
Thanks for your understanding.
Good day.