What part of the bed functionality is concerning, its a bigger bed than all the other mid size offerings, and has room/slots for 2 spares as well as a 4ft pallet between the wheel wells. Most midsize trucks don't have room for a pallet to lay flat between the wheel wells, much less a sheet of plywood. The length is pretty much the standard length on most mid size truck as well.The upcoming generation of trucks from long time manufacturers are offering very strong products for wheeling/overlanding in the US, and probably for a lot less. Also, I'm concerned about the functionality of the bed.
I really like the truck version...IF one were going to buy a mid size truck geared and outfitted for off road "overloading" from the other manufactures, they are gonna push you north of 60K or so once you are said and done. While this one will be more expensive, if your spending that much anyway, IMO you may as well get one that is more capable, tows more, hauls more , etc.
IF and that is a big IF, I were planning to spend that much on an "overloading" oriented truck, I would give this one a serious look.