It's good it works like that, got to have plausible deniability for Grammy. If you had a shirt that said "FN'EXPEDITIONS, Searching for the lost city of Poontang" or something along those lines (again, lots of possibilities) that had no faux tire tracks or footprints (sort of like a barbed wire tat on the biceps), I'd get it. Don't put a fake compass or a map pointer on your shirts either. Every joker out there has one on their shirts or plastered to their truck and they all use GPS, go figure. Or maybe it would make it funnier if one was on there, I don't know. Just some ideas, you've got a gimmick of sorts going with the shirts. Might be able to sell few more of them if you take advantage of the play on words and the general backlash for the over commercialization and seriousness taken for what amounts to glorified road trips. Could put the year on the shirt too, like it's a world tour. "Searching the inner regions of Vag, 2010", lol. People are always up for a cool t-shirt. Again, stay safe.
Dude! Those are great ideas! Hilarious!