Its our turn for the Pan-Am


It's good it works like that, got to have plausible deniability for Grammy. If you had a shirt that said "FN'EXPEDITIONS, Searching for the lost city of Poontang" or something along those lines (again, lots of possibilities) that had no faux tire tracks or footprints (sort of like a barbed wire tat on the biceps), I'd get it. Don't put a fake compass or a map pointer on your shirts either. Every joker out there has one on their shirts or plastered to their truck and they all use GPS, go figure. Or maybe it would make it funnier if one was on there, I don't know. Just some ideas, you've got a gimmick of sorts going with the shirts. Might be able to sell few more of them if you take advantage of the play on words and the general backlash for the over commercialization and seriousness taken for what amounts to glorified road trips. Could put the year on the shirt too, like it's a world tour. "Searching the inner regions of Vag, 2010", lol. People are always up for a cool t-shirt. Again, stay safe.

Dude! Those are great ideas! Hilarious!


Still in Anchorage

Yup, we are still here in Alaska's biggest city. Its been quite productive. We have managed to find some work. It's not a typical way of earning money, but a high participation is needed, which we are always looking for.

It's boxing. I think i talked about it a little before. Freddy entered a amateur boxing match held at the Egan center ever Thursday. The loser goes home with $50 and the winner $150. And Freddy won! Yup, he's the champ. Its all on film and documented so stay tuned.


Checked your site the other day, no updates. The camera is ....

Yea, sorry. We haven't been in an area with internet. We stayed with a couple in Clam Gulch, AK for a few days. They were great. We do have a bunch of videos to go. The website will be updated soon.

The camera was stolen in Anchorage.


Sorry about the camera. Thieves ... what can you do. Karma will catch up with whoever did it, and another camera will comeback around.


So its been a little while since the FN' Boys have given you guys an update. We apologize. We have been busy, my imovie isn't working correctly, and we have been without internet.

Well now I am here and I have internet and my imovie is kinda working.

The last thing I wrote about was the boxing. I said that Freddy won and he did recieve his $150! I fought the week after. I can't say the my fight went as well. I actually got my *** wooped. AHHAAHA. All good though. I still made out with $150 at the end of the night thanks to some supportive fans.

That week we also spent a lot of time building our Halloween costume. Yes, I said building. We made homemade stilts and a gigantic baby carriage. Yea, I was a 9 foot women and Freddy was a huge baby in a diaper. We had to build the carriage and the stilts. I also had to custom make the dress. HAHAHAHA. We were a hit downtown and in all the rushing around, between the strip club were we won third place ($100) and another bar, we didn't get a pic. Luckly we found the one below on some random person's Facebook account. There were people everywhere taking our picture. I wouldn't be surprised if it went on Youtube some where other than us putting it there.


So after that week we headed South down the Kenai Peninsula where we stopped in Seward and Homer. Unfortunately before we left Anchorage, my good camera got stolen. Bummer. We stayed in Seward one night and headed to a couples house that we meet in Anchorage. Clam Gulch was where they lived and they had a beautiful piece of property that they shared with us along with some good eating and a warm bed.

Homer was also a destination and I got to do a little surfing while I was there. The storm that blew the waves in also dumped about a foot or two of snow on the ground and i got to cross country ski a couple of days.

The great time in Clam Gulch and Homer took my mind of the camera incident. Reminding me that we haven't even made it to Central American where theft could be way worse. Thats why I have renters insurance.

So we are back in Anchorage. Doing a little work on the website movies and updating you fans. We should have some new movies up soon and shall be heading out of Anchrage tomorrow and out of Alaska.



Once again a little late, but here ya go!


Heading out?

OK. We should be heading out of Anchorage tomorrow. The way things have been going though, we might not. We are planning on it though.

So far in this city alone I have boxed in a sanctioned fight, made a ridiculus halloween costume, visited a friend in jail, had some Alaskan King Crab in Alaska, rented a U-haul truck, hanged gutters, made a police report, skied, surfed, and made some great friends. All in a month in Anchorage. I think we have the "experience" level we are looking for in this city. We really took our time. I am even giving locals directions now! We really lived the city.

Its good though. I can only hope our experience can be this good all the way down. I mean you really get a feel for a place when your in it longer than a weekend. And I think thats what I want to experience.

So i do have a question. Especially for those that live in this area. I have heard a lot that Anchorage is usually warmer than the rest of Alaska. So I am wondering, when we start heading out, like out of Alaska completely and down through the Yukon and Northern B.C., can we expect it to be much colder this time of year? I would want to prepare here while we are in a place that has resources. Ley me know what you think?

Also, are you guys enjoying our videos? Is there anyhting you would like to see more of. I know, I know, we don't have a lot of offical overlanding, but our truck can't do much more than dirt roads. What do you guys think?


Well gentlemen,

Winter has arrived in Southern Alberta and the Western portion of Southern B.C.
This means road conditions ranging from clear and dry to snow covering ice.
Overnight lows in Southern Alberta this week are -10 to -20 celcius.

Things will probably improve by the time you get down here.


Well gentlemen,

Winter has arrived in Southern Alberta and the Western portion of Southern B.C.
This means road conditions ranging from clear and dry to snow covering ice.
Overnight lows in Southern Alberta this week are -10 to -20 celcius.

Things will probably improve by the time you get down here.

Maybe I should think about getting a better sleeping bag. I just hate to have the added stuff, but I can send it home if not in use. I also might need it for the southerly portion of the trip.

Thanks for the response.

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