Its our turn for the Pan-Am


Deleted member 9101

The more I read this, the more I want to say screw finishing school when Iget back to the states...ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!


Heres just a couple of randoms I haven't put up yet.


Climbing in Hatcher Pass, AK.


So we have been in Anchorage for about a week in a half now. We have been updating the website and making new videos. I should have a brand new one up there in a few hours.

We have also been thinking of ways to make some money, what to be and where to be for Halloween.

One thought in making money was just the odd job thing. That could happen. We also built stilts today in preparation for halloween and a street show. Freddy stumbled upon this article regarding boxing. Great. :eek: So he looked into a bit more and every Thursday they have amateur boxing here at the Egan Center. $50 to the loser and $150 to the winner. You are put in a weight class. So I guess we are willing to get punched in the face to make this trip happen. I think that is dedication.

So stay tuned for pics and vids.:sport_box

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
So we have been in Anchorage for about a week in a half now. We have been updating the website and making new videos. I should have a brand new one up there in a few hours.

We have also been thinking of ways to make some money, what to be and where to be for Halloween.

One thought in making money was just the odd job thing. That could happen. We also built stilts today in preparation for halloween and a street show. Freddy stumbled upon this article regarding boxing. Great. :eek: So he looked into a bit more and every Thursday they have amateur boxing here at the Egan Center. $50 to the loser and $150 to the winner. You are put in a weight class. So I guess we are willing to get punched in the face to make this trip happen. I think that is dedication.

So stay tuned for pics and vids.:sport_box

wow, that is dedication. Please send the before and after pictures.


Yukon Part Dou



Dalton Highway



Awesome footage!
I'm using the HD hero cameras too.
Looks like a blast!

I'll be following your progress, although I'm enroute to warmer climes to start


Great journey you guys are on, live it up. Thanks for posting it here. Was trying to figure out what the FN was for, got it. That's fn'great. You've fn'cornered the best expedition name ever. A little marketing, maybe you can make a dollar or two to pay for the traveling somehow. Sell some t-shirts, "FN'EXPEDITIONS" in bold print. In small print under that something not PG enough to post here. If you think about it, you can come up with quite a few subtitles for a 'company' name like that.

Crazy video on your website, the tomato festival? climbing the telephone pole. Stay safe.


Great journey you guys are on, live it up. Thanks for posting it here. Was trying to figure out what the FN was for, got it. That's fn'great. You've fn'cornered the best expedition name ever. A little marketing, maybe you can make a dollar or two to pay for the traveling somehow. Sell some t-shirts, "FN'EXPEDITIONS" in bold print. In small print under that something not PG enough to post here. If you think about it, you can come up with quite a few subtitles for a 'company' name like that.

Crazy video on your website, the tomato festival? climbing the telephone pole. Stay safe.
So you figured out the name, huh. We can use it both ways. If we are talking to grandma then it's Freddy and Nathan's Expedition. But if its almost any body else it's the other.

We are selling t-shirts, and hoodies! You can purchase them on the website. Thanks for the post too.
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It's good it works like that, got to have plausible deniability for Grammy. If you had a shirt that said "FN'EXPEDITIONS, Searching for the lost city of Poontang" or something along those lines (again, lots of possibilities) that had no faux tire tracks or footprints (sort of like a barbed wire tat on the biceps), I'd get it. Don't put a fake compass or a map pointer on your shirts either. Every joker out there has one on their shirts or plastered to their truck and they all use GPS, go figure. Or maybe it would make it funnier if one was on there, I don't know. Just some ideas, you've got a gimmick of sorts going with the shirts. Might be able to sell few more of them if you take advantage of the play on words and the general backlash for the over commercialization and seriousness taken for what amounts to glorified road trips. Could put the year on the shirt too, like it's a world tour. "Searching the inner regions of Vag, 2010", lol. People are always up for a cool t-shirt. Again, stay safe.

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