Its our turn for the Pan-Am


Thanks for the info. We are actually heading to Mt. Rainier for the weekend, so I hope its as nice up there. "The Shining," lodge sounds cool to check out.

I've been enjoying your trip report, so I'm happy to contribute something to it. Mt. Rainier should be cool.


Expedition Leader
Love that you guys are willing to get knocked around in the ring for gas money.:wings: If you make it down to Northern California, Eureka on the coast, give me a holler for some nice places to camp/see.


I thought the shining was filmed in Winter Park, Co? hi-jack off.

Great trip guys! You are living my dream, in the next 5yrs i'll be doing the same, except I hope the person sitting next to me is female and hot... oh, yeah, and is into me!

Nice photo skills too.



According to, The Shining was filmed in Colorado, Glacier National Park, Timberline Lodge Mt. Hood (exterior shots of the Overlook Hotel), and Yosemite National Park. There aren't many good movies filmed here in Oregon, stop trying to take The Shining away from us. :sombrero:

You guys going snow shoeing on Mt. Rainier or did you find more outhouse races to attend?


According to, The Shining was filmed in Colorado, Glacier National Park, Timberline Lodge Mt. Hood (exterior shots of the Overlook Hotel), and Yosemite National Park. There aren't many good movies filmed here in Oregon, stop trying to take The Shining away from us. :sombrero:

You guys going snow shoeing on Mt. Rainier or did you find more outhouse races to attend?

I (Nathan) is taking and avalanche safety course over the weekend there.


Love that you guys are willing to get knocked around in the ring for gas money.:wings: If you make it down to Northern California, Eureka on the coast, give me a holler for some nice places to camp/see.

Thanks man. Remind us when we get a bit closer if your still around.


So, I have been at Mt. Rainier the last couple of days for avalanche training. Today we were in the Paradise area. Today was an excellent day for training as we witnessed three avalanches. Two happened before my eyes and one, two guys were swept away in. Our guides took off to make sure they were alright and they were. Just a bit shaken up.

It was a beautiful clear day, a little windy in the morning and warmed up nice later in the afternoon. The mountain was out in all her glory. Will post pics soon.


S%*& has hit the fan!

Well fans, I am sorry to say this, but FN' Expeditions is officially over. Us two guys just couldn't get along so we must separate. Now it is time to make some decisions. Go back to the drawing board.

I apologize for the disappointment.


Well fans, I am sorry to say this, but FN' Expeditions is officially over. Us two guys just couldn't get along so we must separate. Now it is time to make some decisions. Go back to the drawing board.

I apologize for the disappointment.

You quit now and you'll only disappoint yourselves.

When you were over at my place last week, I could tell slightly that there was some discontent due to the tight living conditions, but nothing suggested that there was issues. You both have something to offer to the trip, and it not just to keep us entertained.

Come guys, get back in the truck and head south to somewhere warm. The cold weather and cramped quarters you have been dealing with has put a toll on you. Warmer weather and less rain should get you outside and give you each some workable space to keep going. :suning:

If you are still in Oregon, get to warmer weather fast. Oregon weather has a way of making some folks grumpy. Look at your charter and go back to the reason for the trip, bump chests, shake hands, and get rolling.

My kids are watching too, and rooting for ya! :lurk:


I agree with Insayn, head south. It's warm, good parties, pretty ladies, new adventures. Or stay in rainy Oregon or head back to Missouri? Palm trees and some ocean air. I know what I would choose.

Best of luck,


I had the good fortune of having these fine gentleman stay over at my house for about 24 hours last week. We had a great time completely gutting out the camper into my garage and going about fixing anything that needed a fixing. Both Nate and Freddy are great guys, complete opposites in background and hobbies from what I gathered in ******** chat, but great guys. My wife, and kids had a blast listening to their adventure and asperations ahead of them. I liked the spirit and motivation, but sad to hear that the adventure petered out already.

They had a system and it seemed to work pretty good from my view point. Arguments happen, but true to the task is where I feel they should focus their energy. They put a lot of work into getting this far, and I'd hate to see the fire dwindle and just go out already. Go south where the attention will be pulled in every other direction besides negative between friends.



Thanks for all the concern guys. I appreciate it. I say that FN' Expeditions is over, but I am not stopping my travels. Once again I can think of this as just being another road block in the journey. I must continue on by whatever means. So even though I will not be traveling with Freddy I still want to finish what I started out on. Its been three years in the making and I don't just want to quit because of this.

So there might be a lot of changes in the way I have been traveling. I might have to make a lot more sacrifices and give up some of the things I enjoy to make traveling overland easier on myself, seeing as I don't have a vehicle anymore.

Freddy and aren't speaking. He wont talk to me. He has most of my gear and I don't know where he is. So that doesn't help the trying to work things out part. I plan on getting my gear together and making a decision after that on how I will travel. Right now the important thing is to get all my stuff together and send the unnecessary things home.

Before all this happened though we stopped by INSAYN's house. We made a bunch of little repairs to the camper and learned a lot form a very smart and ambitious person. Craig can make or fix anything. Very handy guy. He and his family were also very hospitable. So I am posting some pictures from those couple of days.

Also I am posting a few pictures from Mt. Rainier. It was a great weekend to be on the mountain and to learn about avalanches.







Nate, that mountain looks awesome! Clear skies and fluffy snow. :wings:

Really sorry to hear of your falling out Freddy, and really hope you two can patch things up and tackle the world one day at a time...... as a team.

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