Well fans, I am sorry to say this, but FN' Expeditions is officially over. Us two guys just couldn't get along so we must separate. Now it is time to make some decisions. Go back to the drawing board.
I apologize for the disappointment.
You quit now and you'll only disappoint yourselves.
When you were over at my place last week, I could tell slightly that there was some discontent due to the tight living conditions, but nothing suggested that there was issues. You both have something to offer to the trip, and it not just to keep us entertained.
Come guys, get back in the truck and head south to somewhere warm. The cold weather and cramped quarters you have been dealing with has put a toll on you. Warmer weather and less rain should get you outside and give you each some workable space to keep going. :suning:
If you are still in Oregon, get to warmer weather fast. Oregon weather has a way of making some folks grumpy. Look at your charter and go back to the reason for the trip, bump chests, shake hands, and get rolling.
My kids are watching too, and rooting for ya! :lurk: