Jah310 Trailer Build. Here goes...!


Thanks dude!

To answer your questions:

- I'm using a Hobart Handler 190. I bought a refurbished unit off of amazon and it's been great. Highly recommend if you want to save a few bucks. Also it uses the same consumables as the Miller units. I think Hobart is owned by Miller (not sure) but it's branded as the weekend warrior version of Miller. For me it's been a great mix of quality and value. I run it off 220v.

- The base frame is made of 2.5x2.5 Sq Tube .120 thickness. The corner uprights are are 2x2 and 2x3 angle .1875 thickness. The other uprights are 2x2 flat bar .1875 thickness.

- Box decisions of 4x6ft were frankly based off what I thought would work best. I took into consideration the RTT I wanted at the time and also ordered the axle dimensions to fit the track of the tacoma. From there I just worked to make everything fit.

Hope that helps.

Happy to say this is my first post, and I just read through your entire thread. Amazing work for your first fabrication project! Hope that I can produce some quality results like that for my first build.

I do have a few questions.

- What welder are you using for this project? (flux core/gasless?)
- What type/size of metal did you use for the frame?
- What did you base the box dimensions off of? The WMS-WMS of the axle (which I am guessing matches the Tacomas) or was there another factor?
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New Lid

Pretty much finished the new lid. I ran out of bolts so several are missing on the top...All holes are drilled and threaded. I'm currently reworking placement of the lift struts...It's been challenging to get it right. With the old lid it was too heavy at first and then once the angles were right the lift springs kicked in and it was fine. I'm planning on moving the front one to a more vertical position to help with the initial opening load. That coupled with the lid being about 50 - 60 pounds lighter, should make a difference.

Here are some pics...





2010 Double Cab Tacoma
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Got some more work done - removed the propane tanks, water tanks, floor and all side paneling.




Going to work on finishing a few welds... nice to have open access.

2010 Double Cab Tacoma


Decided on a new RTT! Drove down to Santa Cruz and picked up a Teupi XL ruggedized in haze grey. Haven't spent a night in it yet but I think we're going to really like it.

Why a new tent? Well the main reason was I didn't like the way the Eezi Awn's two main doors closed with respect to my young kids. They sleep like fish flopping out of water and it alway worried me that you couldn't really fully zip up the opening. The bottom sections of the eezi awn don't zip - they Velcro to the bottom inside base which is probably fine but I'm not sure how I'd live with myself if one of my kids accidentally rolled out during a nap or while horsing around up there. The Velcro just didn't make me comfortable. The Teupi uses a good old fashion zipper... Much better for keeping kids inside.

The second reason was I really considered going to a larger two ladder set up. At the end of the day the size of those proved to be more problematic than it was worth given the design of our trailer. This Teupi however is slightly larger than the ezzi awn 1800. The width (from front to back relative to the trailer) is a few inches wider - just enough that I can sleep lengthwise. (I'm 6'2"). That's material since I think now my wife and I will each sleep at an entrance with the kids in the middle with more room between us. Also this allows us to use either door should we need to run out for a nocturnal bathroom break. I'll post more about the tent after we've had a chance to spend a few nights in it. So far I'm digging it. Below are a few pics of it on the new lid.





2010 Double Cab Tacoma
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So I continue to slowly take the trailer apart. Now removed nearly everything including struts, air bags, electrical, propane tanks and tongue box. Also finished up several welds that I couldn't really get to without all these items out of the way. I still have a few that I want to get to. Welding upside down stinks, so I'm hoping this position gets me a good enough of an angle for a few final welds. I really need to get the bottom welds where the front "triangulation" meets the main box. Feels it's crucial to have that absolutely solid. The other outstanding ones are more cosmetic than anything.




2010 Double Cab Tacoma
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Got more work done today. Have to admit, taking it apart isn't nearly as fun as putting it together. Slowly but surely. Still need to figure out how to flip this thing over. I'm working by myself so moving all this stuff single handed is somewhat challenging. See pics below...





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New member
Just finished reading the build and i gotta say you did a really good job. I'm going to be building one hopefully next year as my final project in school (as an industrial designer). ill be taking a couple months to design everything on the computer so i hopefully only have to do it once, but ill definitely have to borrow some of your ideas :bigok:


Thought about that - just not sure exactly how I'd pull that off. If my ceiling wasn't finished, I'd just hang each end from the 2x6's, but with the drywall there I can't see exactly where the studs are. And I don't feel like breaking open the finished drywall... Also thought about making some stands, but that might just be a bit too involved. I may just have to grab a few buddies to help me manually lift...Any other ideas? Thanks for the suggestion Cyberman...


Maybe flip it end over end onto a piece of plywood sitting on furniture dollies? Obviously outside the garage.


American Trekker
just slide the axle under the frame.. If you have a skate board or a creeper to put the axle on to make it easier??. just FYI=brian


I just finished welding my frame and had to flip it to finish the welds on the underside. Just put the tongue on a saw horse or table and then have you and a buddy grab the back and rotate it. The tongue will just roll on the sawhorse like a rotisserie (so start it on the side and it will rotate to the center). Then just figure what to set it on after it has flipped. Here is my frame--you can see I put the tongue on the table and started it on the right edge and just rolled it. Way easier than anticipated and it was super quick.Frame wlded.jpg


Hmm yeah I think something like that will work. My frame includes the "box" so I'll have to work around a that but this may just work. Thanks for the suggestions!

2010 Double Cab Tacoma


Expedition Leader
Started on the electrical...




Hey nice work!
Fun read given I just ordered some parts to set up power on my Life Time tent trailer. Looks like I have the same tongue box installed as you also. I'm going smaller on the power 18ah battery think large motorcycle battery. I'm housing the battery in a 50mm Ammo box mounted beside the tongue box on the front face plate of the trailer turns out it fits perfect. I'll have a small street lamp solar charge controller $27 from Amazon and a small high quality 10watt solar panel. Fuse box is a simple 4 fuse $12 unit which has LED indicators if a fuse is blown.
My fancy stuff will be a remote LED key fob that will turn on a rear ATV LED light mounted on the rear bottom rail of the trailer for night time camp arrival and backing up. I can trigger the light from the car so I can see where the heck I'm backing up.

I may steal your box lid light idea though! I like that!

Phase 2 will be in tent LED lighting.
Your in our neck of the woods now too. Peninsula? Might see you guys around this summer.
Were over in LAmorinda area.
Last weekend Little Basin
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