JK/J8 Flippac rumor??


Nice chop, but I might be missing your point regarding custom campers: We were all talking mostly about how a FlipPac would have to look to fit on a JK and then about some other companies working on possible camper shells for the JK, not at all about custom campers...

Maybe I misinterpreted what was being said by some (some wanting full drop in units with floors). However, I think we all agree that a FlipPac would be an awesome addition to a JK (I just wish they would make one for my LJ).


Totally agree. The JK and LJ would make excellent platforms for this purpose. Now if we can only talk the Jeep community into backing this effort...
Here is a quick chop (it looks hack, I'm just learning).


That is a GREAT 'chop. I love that you kept the rear doors. Man that looks SWEET. Seriously making me want a JK now. :drool: :drool: If this come to fruition (with rear doors still accessible) I may have to seriously consider a new vehicle purchase.:snorkel:


That is a GREAT 'chop. I love that you kept the rear doors. Man that looks SWEET. Seriously making me want a JK now. :drool: :drool: If this come to fruition (with rear doors still accessible) I may have to seriously consider a new vehicle purchase.:snorkel:

Yup! if this comes together it's pretty much a done deal for me also. :wings:


I just watched the flippac video on the AT site this weekend and started to think, how cool it would be if there was a flippac option for the JK. :wings:
Then I find this thread and you guys are way ahead of me!!

To the logistics of actually climbing up into the bed. I haven't taken a close look at them before but from the video I am assuming that the bed begins after the forward hinge? If the hinge is infront of the driver/passenger seats, so type of platform would be needed before the beginning of the bed. Is this how all flippaks work, having some type of platform before the bed, or just the ones for the short bed like the ranger?


Yes the mattress part "begins" after the forward hinge. Not sure if I understand what you're asking exactly, but with the current design you enter thru the rear of the truck.

Getting up to the bed is definitely a design consideration when working out the interior plan. If you had nothing in the back, you could put one foot up on the side rail and get yourself up that way. Since my dog sleeps with me, that wouldn't work for her getting up/down. In my truck (07 Tundra longbed), it's 4 ft from the level of the bed to the bottom of truck bed - too big a jump for her.

I wound up putting a raised floor in and then threw in a storage ottoman for the step up. Works for us for now, here's a pic, although this doesn't quite show what you're looking for because the canopy is closed:


Here's the view looking down from the mattress, with the canopy open.

Here's the sleeping area:

I'm always thinking about re-doing my interior to take advantage of all that space back there (5' x 8') and to get things more organized. Everyone does something different, I imagine that the JK answer will have to take into account the very limited space behind the seats, looks like it's only a couple of feet at most. Maybe fold down or collapsible steps?

I like the idea of throwing the cool AT drawers in like I saw on the SafariPacific ranger.

Bella PSD

To the logistics of actually climbing up into the bed. I haven't taken a close look at them before but from the video I am assuming that the bed begins after the forward hinge? If the hinge is infront of the driver/passenger seats, so type of platform would be needed before the beginning of the bed. Is this how all flippaks work, having some type of platform before the bed, or just the ones for the short bed like the ranger?

As to the flip pac nose. The nose on a long bed is recessed and a short bed is protruding from the outside. The best way to get this down is the flip (roof/tent) is the same size for ALL caps. And the cap is modified to fit the one flip. So a long bed will have a some-what short roof and a short bed will have a long roof.

Travis’ Ford ranger cap was made custom to fit his ultra short bed while keeping the same standard flip roof/tent. I can see where the confusion could come from. Normally the short and long bed will have no extra space in front of the flip from the inside as Travis’s does. And yes it’s a big jump to get up into the sleeping area. I suggest a step of some sort.



Rendezvous Conspirator
OK, here's another piece of fat to chew:


Just got introduced to this company from a video referenced in the "Recovery" forum.

Of interest on their site is a wildernest-style side flip that fits on a Jeep Wrangler. :Wow1:

The bad news is that they're in South Africa. The good news may be that if they can support a 2-door wrangler, maybe they can support a JK/J8 4-door also!

I just used the webpage to submit a couple of questions about USA availability and Wrangler fitment. I suggest everyone else who is interested in such a top do the same, they may be able to work out a group buy or something and do one big shipment to the USA.


Expedition Leader
OK, here's another piece of fat to chew:


Just got introduced to this company from a video referenced in the "Recovery" forum.

Of interest on their site is a wildernest-style side flip that fits on a Jeep Wrangler. :Wow1:

The bad news is that they're in South Africa. The good news may be that if they can support a 2-door wrangler, maybe they can support a JK/J8 4-door also!

I just used the webpage to submit a couple of questions about USA availability and Wrangler fitment. I suggest everyone else who is interested in such a top do the same, they may be able to work out a group buy or something and do one big shipment to the USA.

Just sent them the same..

I'm currently working out some sort of JK/J8/D110 vehicle, figuring out the budget and such..

That top looks perfect.

and.. closed it make the JK look 200% better


OK, here's another piece of fat to chew:


Just got introduced to this company from a video referenced in the "Recovery" forum.

Of interest on their site is a wildernest-style side flip that fits on a Jeep Wrangler. :Wow1:

The bad news is that they're in South Africa. The good news may be that if they can support a 2-door wrangler, maybe they can support a JK/J8 4-door also!

I just used the webpage to submit a couple of questions about USA availability and Wrangler fitment. I suggest everyone else who is interested in such a top do the same, they may be able to work out a group buy or something and do one big shipment to the USA.

Right on!!!! I just contacted them via their contact form as well so we'll see what happens.


You guys have got to come up with and consider the viability of a similar product here in the U.S. for the Jeep TJ. The TJ is the most popular Jeep vehicle of all-time and reaching out to TJ owners with a flippac in addition to JK owners could prove a very successful effort. *Hint Hint* :)

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
I saw a JK towing a Wildboarproducts trailer yesterday on M14 around Plymouth, MI. There were some pictures of their camper top on the back door, but I was unable to tailgate enough to see too many details; it appears as if the Duo has one sorta RTT contraption, the Quad has two, opening to the front and to the rear, but there was also different awnings and extensions; really looked interesting.

If Wildboar now just would update their website ... :coffee:

Sleeping Dog

OK, here's another piece of fat to chew:


Just got introduced to this company from a video referenced in the "Recovery" forum.

Of interest on their site is a wildernest-style side flip that fits on a Jeep Wrangler. :Wow1:

The bad news is that they're in South Africa. The good news may be that if they can support a 2-door wrangler, maybe they can support a JK/J8 4-door also!

I just used the webpage to submit a couple of questions about USA availability and Wrangler fitment. I suggest everyone else who is interested in such a top do the same, they may be able to work out a group buy or something and do one big shipment to the USA.

This is the solution, all that's needed is to confirm they have a JK compatible model and put together a group buy. It could be any combination of their products. Enough to fill a 20' container should get the shipping costs down. The POE can be the closest port to the largest concentration of buyers. Then we set a date and have an installation party.

Jim :wings:

College Kid

Not sure what number we are up to now, but I want one! I have some contact in SA that I am going to get in contact with about importing the GRTravelTops. I think the idea of the bed out the side rather than back or front makes the best use of space. Especially as I have on the 3 door TJ.

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