JK/J8 Flippac rumor??


In my mind, this topic comes back to "what am I trying to accomplish".

Is it to put a flip-over tent on a jeep, or spend time comfortably exploring and camping in a 4wd?
I'm back at thinking that this problem has been solved by pop-up truck campers. From a short bed midsize to a custom long Alaskan on an F450. The issue of rain, wind, and mildew makes me think of the advantages of a hard top pop-up.

I think I'll just put a four wheel camper on Raptor:


Back to jeep.

There are a couple of custom truck camper builders who would build this project. Maybe just the ridge parts, or the tent too. I don't see getting the tent built elsewhere would be a problem.

If anyone actually gets to the point of building, let me know.

It could probably be designed to be used either with or without the rear passenger door opening filled.


This thread was why I joined this forum, I think the idea is awesome. I don't have a wrangler anymore but I would be beating down the door to get one if a Flippac jeep top existed


I'm in!! I have been wanting something like this for a while and wondered how long it would be before someone built one!


New member

Hi everyone!

I'm from South Africa and we manufacture the GRTravelTops.

Sorry for the poor email replies.

We are considering to ship a few canopies to the US. If we can estimate the amount of potential clients in a region we can start working on the shipping and assembly in the US asap.

The Canopy will cost about $8000 - $10 000 usd depending on the amount of canopies.

Would anyone be interested?


Expedition Leader
Hi everyone!

I'm from South Africa and we manufacture the GRTravelTops.

Sorry for the poor email replies.

We are considering to ship a few canopies to the US. If we can estimate the amount of potential clients in a region we can start working on the shipping and assembly in the US asap.

The Canopy will cost about $8000 - $10 000 usd depending on the amount of canopies.

Would anyone be interested?


Very interesting product you have there. I like it!! I think you have a market for them in the USA, however at $8-10k you are on the high side of that market. How many can you sell here is anybodies guess.


New member
We don't have pictures of a 4 door JK Jeep. I had a look at the vehicle and a GRTravelTop on that Jeep will look & work great. The closest we have to the 4 door JK Jeep is the wrangler : http://www.grtraveltops.com/jeepwrangler.html.

The canopies are quite expensive, but for the following reasons:

High grade materials like Alluminium and stainless steel with inner frames.

The canopy can be removed and re-mounted anywhere any time, with jacks that can keep the canopy up and deployed so that it can still be used with the tent etc...The canopy has its own floor for this reason.(this can be done by a single person)http://www.grtraveltops.com/photos/lcpickup/21.JPG

Shipping and assembling in the US is very costly if we do it all the way from SA. The good thing is the prices will drop if we get more orders in the US.


First thanks for posting. I really like your tops and would be interested (I do not currently have a JK, but if these became available I would buy a jeep for this type of top). You said you do not have pictures of a top on the 4 door jeep, but is a 4 door jeep top available?
I would echo the sentiment that the price is a little high especially in today's economy, but I also realize that quality and importation cost money. I would recommend posting on the jeep forum websites if you haven't already as that is where you will probably generate the most interest and I look forward to hopefully having an excuse to go get a new jeep

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