moved off island about 8 years ago (Maui/Lanai) never needed much camping gear out there
unless we went up country like Poli Poli area got cold otherwise plenty water really close etc.
I miss that kinda camping
lots of friends come by good fishing etc..
used to keep plenty T.P for dock strikes and stuff gallon shoyu 50lb bag rice WE SET !
ahahahha when Iniki hit we had a slow down for a few days not sure how long you been on Kauai they got hit hard though ! just had a good purifier plenty streams etc.. but wanted to purify it be safe
our camp kit was blue tarp some chairs some water can cooler and thats about it
collected all the kiawe we wanted for fires cooking maybe brought bag of charcoal and chunk of grate material to cook on spear fishing and rod fishing gear of course !
not sure how open it all is anymore ? used to be better back in the 80s 90s no fees most places seems some time mid 90s fees started popping up and places started closing down
of course why you always go with a rod and put it out
that way ya fishing not camping
ahhahaha sure its the same on Kauai