Kitchen Kit/Chuck Box


That's a great idea. Did you have to do much to keep it from "collapsing"?

No, once the wood went in it stabilized. I think this box is a Chinese knock off of the Zarges. For 40.00 I could not resist, if not only to experiment with using a chuck box. So far it's been working just fine.


Mine is in progress:


I should have gone with plywood, I'll call this one a prototype.
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Love all the designs, but I don't have the height in my trailer to use any of them. I have a converted Heilite camper on an off road trailer and need a shorter one. I'd like to find an old Heilite kitchen like this:



Otherwise I'd have to put it on my trailers rack and subject it to the elements, not sure I'd like to leave a Kanz, much less a wood box in that.

Anyway, anyone ever se one of these Heilite kitchens?



For those of you who have built your own boxes what do you wish you had done differently. My dad and I are currently designing a box to work with my partner stove.
Or does a plastic tub always seem to be best?


New member
On the KANZ Outdoors website are spec sheets posted with the dimensions of the camp kitchen. The basic dimension like width and depth have been chosen after many experiments. We found that smaller (narrower) units feel flimsy. When the depth is reduced to let’s say 12 inches (Partner Steel stove depth) larger pots and pans will have a hard time. Even so smaller units seem to make sense for packaging, for using the kitchen the current space just feels right. Please feel free to look up our dimensions for your built. It might make worth the effort to built a mockup from cardboard first, to see how everything fits and how the unit feels and handles.

Best wishes,


The wood you went with Joseph is fine, it's already stable, it just could use some routed edges and about 3 coats of exterior paint.

My Tj kitchen design is also available for ideas under under "tJ camp kitchen"
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Kapitis Indagatoris
Pelican Case Kitchen

I've used one of my larger P-cases as my kitchen for years. It's solid and dust proof and contains all my cooking gear and supplies. I use a separate P-case for "dry goods" and all my cold goods go in the Engel. I don't have any good close-up shoots, but will try to add some.

Good luck.

P-Case Camp Kitchen
Moab (119).jpg

Pelican Case Storage Platform
(Smaller P-Case in center is for Dry Goods)
Moab 2010 020.jpg

Pelican Case Storage Platform out of LC
cargo 3 compressed.JPG
I bought the Kanz last summer when we switched from TT camping to tent camping. Thought about picking up the Kanz pantry as well but it hasn't been needed yet.



Juancarlos 83
I was inspired by this thread to build my own chuck box...

This is what I have so far. Also, this is the first time I Blog or share anything with a group like this. Thanks for all the ideas.

photo 9.JPGphoto 1.JPGphoto 3.JPGphoto 6.JPG


Juancarlos 83
I just picked a couple of ideas from this portal and other websites. I got all the gear that I usually carry on my trips and put it all together to get the measurements to make a my custom chuck box. I am always the one that cooks when we are camping/hunting and I like to have my own stuff on hand.



After much deliberation and scouring over everyone else's builds, I came up with a solution for what would suit my families needs! Hope you like it, I will post a build thread also!

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